CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Trying To Forget

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Frank Heelan (IRE) - January 2016
I Keep Forgetting - Lee Ann Womack & Vince Gill
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Section 1 : Skate, skate, shuffle forward. Rock recover, sailor step.
1-2Skate forward right. Skate forward left.
3&4Step right forward, left together, step right forward.
5-6Rock left forward, recover to right.
7&8Sweep left around, step behind right, recover to right, left to left side.

Section 2 : Sweep back right, sweep back left. Sailor 1/4 cross. Left side rock recover, cross shuffle.
1-2Sweep right around, step behind left. Sweep left around, step behind right.
3&4Sweep right around turning 1/4 right, step right behind left, left to the side, cross step right over left.
5-6Rock left to left, recover to right.
7&8Cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right.

Section 3 : Figure of 8
1-4Step right to right ,left behind. Turn 1/4 right stepping right, left.
5-8Pivot 1/2 right. Turn 1/4 right stepping left to left, step right behind, turn 1/4 left step forward left

Section 4 : Shuffle forward, rock recover. Shuffle back turn 1/2 right, stepping right left.
1&2Step right forward, left together, forward right.
3-4Rock left forward, recover to right.
5&6Step left back, right together, back left.
7-8Turn 1/2 right, stepping right,left.

TAG: 8 count Tag, end of wall 4 facing 12.00
Chasse right rock back recover. Chasse left rock back recover.

Note: There is a false ending after 3 mins. 2 secs. Keep going and the beat kicks in again.

The dance finishes on the figure of 8 facing 6.00. Step forward right pivot 1/2 left to finish.


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