Easy Intermediate
Intro: 8 counts from first heavy beat in music (app. 4 secs. into track). Weight on L foot
Restarts: On wall 2 after 32 counts, facing 12:00. On wall 7 after 48 counts, facing 6:00. On wall 9, after
the bridge, facing 6:00
EASY bridge: It comes every time we have the chorus (…’ra ra Rasputin…’).
After 32 counts on walls 4, 6, 9 and 10.
Do a 4 count R rocking chair to the R diagonal then continue with count 33.
[1 – 8] R vine, point, L rolling vine, R brush
1 – 4Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (3), point L to L side (4)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at R shoulder height on counts &4- 12:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (5), turn ½ L stepping R back (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), brush R fwd (8)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at L shoulder height on counts &8- 12:00
[9 – 16] R jazz box ¼ R, cross, R chasse, L back rock
1 – 4Cross R over L (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (2), step R to R side (3), cross L over R (4) 3:00
5&6Step R to R side (5), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (6) 3:00
7 – 8Rock L back (7), recover fwd on R (8) 3:00
[17 – 24] L vine, R point, 1 ¼ R turn, L sweep
1 – 4Step L to L side (1), cross R behind L (2), step L to L side (3), point R to R side (4)
NOTE:during chorus clap hands twice at L shoulder height on counts &4- 3:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (5), turn ½ R stepping L back (6), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (7), sweep L fwd (8)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at R shoulder height on counts &8 - 6:00
[25 – 32] L jazz box, cross, L chasse, R back rock
1 – 4Cross L over R (1), step back on R (2), step L to L side (3), cross R over L (4) 6:00
5&6Step L to L side (5), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (6) 6:00
7 – 8Rock R back (7), recover fwd on L (8)
* 1st and 3rd Restart. All the bridges happen here too - 6:00
[33 – 40] Side R, Hold, ball side, Hold, ball side rock 3/8 L, R kick ball step
1 – 2Step R to R side opening up in body to R diagonal (1), Hold (2) 7:30
&3 – 4Step L next to R (&), step R to R side (3), Hold (4) 7:30
&5 – 6Step L next to R (&), rock R to R side (5), turn 3/8 L when recovering to L (6) 3:00
7&8Kick R fwd (7), step R next to L (&), step fwd on L (8) 3:00
[41 – 48] R rock step fwd, R coaster step, step ¼ R, L cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock fwd on R (1), recover back on L (2) 3:00
3&4Step R back (3), step L next to R (&), step R fwd (4) OR do a R full triple turn 3:00
5 – 6Step fwd on L (5), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (6) 6:00
7&8Cross L over R (7), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (8)
* Restart on wall 7, facing 6:00 6:00
[49 – 56] Vine 8
1 – 3Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (3) 9:00
4 – 5Step fwd on L (4), turn ½ R onto R foot (5) 3:00
6 – 8Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (6), cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (8) 6:00
[57 – 64] Cross, Hold, ball cross, Hold, ball cross rock, side R, cross L over
1 – 2Cross R over L (1), Hold (2) 6:00
&3 – 4Step L a small step to L side (&), cross R over L (3), Hold (4) 6:00
&5 – 6Step L a small step to L side (&), cross rock R over L (5), recover on L (6) 6:00
7 – 8Step R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 6:00
Start again
Ending: Finish the dance with the last bridge. You’re now facing 12:00.
Ending: On the word ‘Oh’ step R to R side bringing R arm to R side.
On ‘Those’ move it in a semi-circle to the L side.
Finally, on ‘Russians’ move it to the R as if you cut your throat.
NOTE: The reason for the ending is that Rasputin was killed by some of his Russian countrymen, as sung by Boney M - 12:00
Contact - niels@love-to-dance.dk - www.love-to-dance.dk
Restarts: On wall 2 after 32 counts, facing 12:00. On wall 7 after 48 counts, facing 6:00. On wall 9, after
the bridge, facing 6:00
EASY bridge: It comes every time we have the chorus (…’ra ra Rasputin…’).
After 32 counts on walls 4, 6, 9 and 10.
Do a 4 count R rocking chair to the R diagonal then continue with count 33.
[1 – 8] R vine, point, L rolling vine, R brush
1 – 4Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (3), point L to L side (4)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at R shoulder height on counts &4- 12:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (5), turn ½ L stepping R back (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), brush R fwd (8)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at L shoulder height on counts &8- 12:00
[9 – 16] R jazz box ¼ R, cross, R chasse, L back rock
1 – 4Cross R over L (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (2), step R to R side (3), cross L over R (4) 3:00
5&6Step R to R side (5), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (6) 3:00
7 – 8Rock L back (7), recover fwd on R (8) 3:00
[17 – 24] L vine, R point, 1 ¼ R turn, L sweep
1 – 4Step L to L side (1), cross R behind L (2), step L to L side (3), point R to R side (4)
NOTE:during chorus clap hands twice at L shoulder height on counts &4- 3:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (5), turn ½ R stepping L back (6), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (7), sweep L fwd (8)
NOTE: during chorus clap hands twice at R shoulder height on counts &8 - 6:00
[25 – 32] L jazz box, cross, L chasse, R back rock
1 – 4Cross L over R (1), step back on R (2), step L to L side (3), cross R over L (4) 6:00
5&6Step L to L side (5), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (6) 6:00
7 – 8Rock R back (7), recover fwd on L (8)
* 1st and 3rd Restart. All the bridges happen here too - 6:00
[33 – 40] Side R, Hold, ball side, Hold, ball side rock 3/8 L, R kick ball step
1 – 2Step R to R side opening up in body to R diagonal (1), Hold (2) 7:30
&3 – 4Step L next to R (&), step R to R side (3), Hold (4) 7:30
&5 – 6Step L next to R (&), rock R to R side (5), turn 3/8 L when recovering to L (6) 3:00
7&8Kick R fwd (7), step R next to L (&), step fwd on L (8) 3:00
[41 – 48] R rock step fwd, R coaster step, step ¼ R, L cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock fwd on R (1), recover back on L (2) 3:00
3&4Step R back (3), step L next to R (&), step R fwd (4) OR do a R full triple turn 3:00
5 – 6Step fwd on L (5), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (6) 6:00
7&8Cross L over R (7), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (8)
* Restart on wall 7, facing 6:00 6:00
[49 – 56] Vine 8
1 – 3Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (3) 9:00
4 – 5Step fwd on L (4), turn ½ R onto R foot (5) 3:00
6 – 8Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (6), cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (8) 6:00
[57 – 64] Cross, Hold, ball cross, Hold, ball cross rock, side R, cross L over
1 – 2Cross R over L (1), Hold (2) 6:00
&3 – 4Step L a small step to L side (&), cross R over L (3), Hold (4) 6:00
&5 – 6Step L a small step to L side (&), cross rock R over L (5), recover on L (6) 6:00
7 – 8Step R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 6:00
Start again
Ending: Finish the dance with the last bridge. You’re now facing 12:00.
Ending: On the word ‘Oh’ step R to R side bringing R arm to R side.
On ‘Those’ move it in a semi-circle to the L side.
Finally, on ‘Russians’ move it to the R as if you cut your throat.
NOTE: The reason for the ending is that Rasputin was killed by some of his Russian countrymen, as sung by Boney M - 12:00
Contact - niels@love-to-dance.dk - www.love-to-dance.dk