Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Rock Forward Right, Recover Left, Triple Back, Rock Back Left, Recover Right Triple Forward 12:00
1-2Step forward and rock forward on right foot, recover on left
3&4Triple step moving back (right, left, right)
5-6Step back and rock back on left foot, recover on right
7&8Triple step forward (left, right, left)
[9-16] ¼ Turn Left Cross & Cross, Rock Left Recover, Behind Side Cross 9:00
1-2Step right forward making ¼ turn to the left
3&4Cross right over left and shuffle
5-6Step left, recover right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
[17-24] Point Right, Point Left, Heel Ball Step, Rock Recover, ½ turn right triple 3:00
1&2&Point right foot right (1), return to center (&), point left foot left (2), return to center (&)
3&4Extend right heel forward (3), return to center stepping on ball of right foot (&), step forward with left (4)
5-6Rock forward on right, recover on your left
7&8½ turn triple turning to the right (right, left, right)
[25-32] Point Left, Point Right, Heel Ball Step, Rock Recover, ½ turn left triple 9:00
1&2&Point left foot left (1), return to center (&), point right foot right (2), return to center (&)
3&4Extend left heel forward (3), return to center stepping on ball of left foot (&), step forward with right (4)
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on your right
7&8½ turn triple turning to the left (left, right, left)
Please do not alter this step sheet.
Questions or concerns may be directed to me at wealthywolf@hotmail.com
Thank you! Tina Lundy
[1-8] Rock Forward Right, Recover Left, Triple Back, Rock Back Left, Recover Right Triple Forward 12:00
1-2Step forward and rock forward on right foot, recover on left
3&4Triple step moving back (right, left, right)
5-6Step back and rock back on left foot, recover on right
7&8Triple step forward (left, right, left)
[9-16] ¼ Turn Left Cross & Cross, Rock Left Recover, Behind Side Cross 9:00
1-2Step right forward making ¼ turn to the left
3&4Cross right over left and shuffle
5-6Step left, recover right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
[17-24] Point Right, Point Left, Heel Ball Step, Rock Recover, ½ turn right triple 3:00
1&2&Point right foot right (1), return to center (&), point left foot left (2), return to center (&)
3&4Extend right heel forward (3), return to center stepping on ball of right foot (&), step forward with left (4)
5-6Rock forward on right, recover on your left
7&8½ turn triple turning to the right (right, left, right)
[25-32] Point Left, Point Right, Heel Ball Step, Rock Recover, ½ turn left triple 9:00
1&2&Point left foot left (1), return to center (&), point right foot right (2), return to center (&)
3&4Extend left heel forward (3), return to center stepping on ball of left foot (&), step forward with right (4)
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on your right
7&8½ turn triple turning to the left (left, right, left)
Please do not alter this step sheet.
Questions or concerns may be directed to me at wealthywolf@hotmail.com
Thank you! Tina Lundy