Easy Improver
Count In : 16 counts - start with lyrics
Right Side Together, Half Rumba Box Fwd. Left Side Together, Half Rumba Box Back
1 - 2Step right to right side, close left at side of right
3&4Step right to right side, close left at side of right, step fwd right
5 - 6Step left to left side, close right at side of left
7&8Step left to left side, close right at side of left, step back left
Coaster Step. Mambo Fwd. Hip Sways R L R L
1&2Step back right, step back left, step fwd right
3&4Rock fwd onto left, recover weight onto right, step together left
5 - 6Step right to right side sway right hip to right side, sway left hip to left side transferring weight onto left
7 - 8Sway right hip to right side weight onto right, sway left hip to left side weight finishes on left
*** Re - Start here during walls 4 and 9 (both facing 3 o’clock)
Right Side Behind & Heel & Cross. Left Side Behind & Heel & Cross
1 - 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
&3Step right to right side, touch left heel to left diagonal
&4Step left in place, cross right over left
5 - 6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
&7Step left to left side, touch right heel to right diagonal
&8Step right in place, cross left over right
Side Rock, Recover. Coaster ¼ Turn. Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Shuffle Turn
1 - 2Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3&4Make ¼ turn right stepping back right, close left at side of right, step fwd right (3 o’clock)
5 - 6Rock forward left, recover weight onto right
7&8Make ½ shuffle turn stepping left right left to face 9 o’clock
Many thanks to Paul for asking me to write to this track! x
Right Side Together, Half Rumba Box Fwd. Left Side Together, Half Rumba Box Back
1 - 2Step right to right side, close left at side of right
3&4Step right to right side, close left at side of right, step fwd right
5 - 6Step left to left side, close right at side of left
7&8Step left to left side, close right at side of left, step back left
Coaster Step. Mambo Fwd. Hip Sways R L R L
1&2Step back right, step back left, step fwd right
3&4Rock fwd onto left, recover weight onto right, step together left
5 - 6Step right to right side sway right hip to right side, sway left hip to left side transferring weight onto left
7 - 8Sway right hip to right side weight onto right, sway left hip to left side weight finishes on left
*** Re - Start here during walls 4 and 9 (both facing 3 o’clock)
Right Side Behind & Heel & Cross. Left Side Behind & Heel & Cross
1 - 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
&3Step right to right side, touch left heel to left diagonal
&4Step left in place, cross right over left
5 - 6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
&7Step left to left side, touch right heel to right diagonal
&8Step right in place, cross left over right
Side Rock, Recover. Coaster ¼ Turn. Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Shuffle Turn
1 - 2Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3&4Make ¼ turn right stepping back right, close left at side of right, step fwd right (3 o’clock)
5 - 6Rock forward left, recover weight onto right
7&8Make ½ shuffle turn stepping left right left to face 9 o’clock
Many thanks to Paul for asking me to write to this track! x