Easy Novice
Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 07 sec. - (No Tags or Restarts).
Part l. 1-8 2x Heel Diag, Hold, Replace, Together, Hold.
1-4Touch L heel diagonal forward, Hold, Step L back in place and step R next to L, Hold.
5-8Touch L heel diagonal forward, Hold, Step L back in place and step R next to L, Hold. (12:00)
PART II. 9-16 ¼ L, L Hip Pushes Fwd L-R, Recover, ¼ L, Hitch, Hip Swings R-L-R-L.
1-4Making ¼ turn L (9) step L fwd push hips fwd, hips Back, recover on L, Making ¼ turn L (6) hitch R knee up.
5-8Step R to R swing your R hip to R, L hip to L, R hip to R, L hip to L.
PART III. 17-24 Lindy R, Lindy L ¼ R.
1&2Step R to R, Step L beside R, step R to R.
3-4Step L back, Recover back onto R.
5&6Step L to L, step R beside L, Making ¼ turn R (9) step L back.
7-8Step R back, Recover back onto L.
PART lV. 25-32 2x Kick Ball Step Fwd, Point, ¼ L, Replace, Heel Taps Twice.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place on ball, Step L forward.
3&4Kick R forward, Step R back in place on ball, Step L forward.
5-8Point R forward, Making ¼ turn L (6) step R back in place, Tap L heel twice in place over 2 counts weight R.
PART V. 33-40 Side, Clap, Together, Side, Clap, Together, Syncopated Side Rocks L-R.
1-2Step L to L, Clap.
&3-4Step R next to L, Step L to L, Clap.
&5-6Step R next to L, Step L to L, Recover back onto R.
&7-8Step L next to R, Step R to R, Recover back onto L. (6:00)
PART Vl. 41-48 Together, Side, Clap, Together, ¼ L, Step, Hold, Full Turn L Fwd, Step (optional: stomp), Hold.
&1-2Step R next to L, Step L to L, Clap.
&3-4Step R next to L, Making ¼ turn L (3) step L forward, Hold.
5-8Making ½ turn L (9) step R back, Making ½ turn L (3) step L forward, Step R forward (optional: Stomp), Hold.
Dance Edit, email: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Part l. 1-8 2x Heel Diag, Hold, Replace, Together, Hold.
1-4Touch L heel diagonal forward, Hold, Step L back in place and step R next to L, Hold.
5-8Touch L heel diagonal forward, Hold, Step L back in place and step R next to L, Hold. (12:00)
PART II. 9-16 ¼ L, L Hip Pushes Fwd L-R, Recover, ¼ L, Hitch, Hip Swings R-L-R-L.
1-4Making ¼ turn L (9) step L fwd push hips fwd, hips Back, recover on L, Making ¼ turn L (6) hitch R knee up.
5-8Step R to R swing your R hip to R, L hip to L, R hip to R, L hip to L.
PART III. 17-24 Lindy R, Lindy L ¼ R.
1&2Step R to R, Step L beside R, step R to R.
3-4Step L back, Recover back onto R.
5&6Step L to L, step R beside L, Making ¼ turn R (9) step L back.
7-8Step R back, Recover back onto L.
PART lV. 25-32 2x Kick Ball Step Fwd, Point, ¼ L, Replace, Heel Taps Twice.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place on ball, Step L forward.
3&4Kick R forward, Step R back in place on ball, Step L forward.
5-8Point R forward, Making ¼ turn L (6) step R back in place, Tap L heel twice in place over 2 counts weight R.
PART V. 33-40 Side, Clap, Together, Side, Clap, Together, Syncopated Side Rocks L-R.
1-2Step L to L, Clap.
&3-4Step R next to L, Step L to L, Clap.
&5-6Step R next to L, Step L to L, Recover back onto R.
&7-8Step L next to R, Step R to R, Recover back onto L. (6:00)
PART Vl. 41-48 Together, Side, Clap, Together, ¼ L, Step, Hold, Full Turn L Fwd, Step (optional: stomp), Hold.
&1-2Step R next to L, Step L to L, Clap.
&3-4Step R next to L, Making ¼ turn L (3) step L forward, Hold.
5-8Making ½ turn L (9) step R back, Making ½ turn L (3) step L forward, Step R forward (optional: Stomp), Hold.
Dance Edit, email: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com