CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Advanced
Bradley Mather (USA) - November 2015
Read All About it by Emile Sandè
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Intro: 32 counts - Pattern:AAB AAB AAB B

Part A-32 counts
A1: Twinkle x2, rock forward, recover
1,2,3cross L over R, rock R to R, recover onto L
4,5,6cross R over L, rock L to L, recover onto R
7,8Rock L forward, recover onto R (12:00)

A2: Back lock, close, forward, ¼ L rock and cross w/R, side, drag
1&2Step L back, lock R foot in from of L, step L back
3,4Step R next to L, step L forward
5&6rock R to side turning ¼ L, recover onto L, cross R over L
7,8step L to L, drag R next to L (9:00)

A3: Walk 1/8 L, hold, rock, recover 1/8 L, sway, sway
1,2step R 1/8 forward into L diagonal while moving arms up, forward, and out, as if raising something up
3,4rock forward onto L, recover 1/8 L onto R (6:00)
5,6sway L while bringing arms up, as if reaching for something
7,8sway R while bringing arms close to body and collapsing

A4: Ball, side, hold, ball, cross, hold, prep, full turn R w/sweep
&1,2step L next to R, step R to R, hold
&3,4step L next to R, cross R over L, hold
&5,6place foot in L diagonal, transfer weight to L to prep body for a R turn, begin full turn R
7,8Finish full turn R, sweep L across R (6:00)

Part B-64 counts
B1: Figure eight weave
1,2cross L over R, sweep R from back to front
3,4cross R over L, step L to L
5,6step R behind L, sweep L from front to back
7,8&step L behind right, step R to R, cross L over R (12:00)

B2: 1/8 lift, run back, step 1/8 R, drag, step 1/8 L, sweep ½ L
1,2step R to R diagonal lifting up L knee and pulling arms in
3,4&step L back step R back, step L back
5,6step R to R making 1/8 R, drag L to R pulling R fist across body (3:00)
7,8step L ¼ L, sweep ½ L with R (6:00)

B3: Step, hold, throw up hands R L, step w/ ¼ hitch R, cross R over L and collapse
1,2step R to R, hold
3,4throw up R hand, throw up L hand
5,6step L ¼ L, hitch R knee (3:00)
7,8cross R over L, collapse

B4: Step ¼ L bringing hands in front of face as if reading a book, ¾ hinge L, ¾ hinge R
1,2step L ¼ L bringing hand in front of face as if reading a book, hold (12:00)
3,4step ¼ L with R, step L ½ with L (3:00)
5,6cross R over L, hold
7,8step ¼ R with L, step R ½ with R (12:00)

B5: Rock, recover w/sweep, run back, rock back, recover, L ¼ lift
1,2,3rock L forward, recover onto R, sweep L foot from front to back
4&5run back L,R,L
6,7rock R back, recover onto L
8&1hitch R knee ¼ L (3:00)

B6: Cross, side rock, recover, cross, unwind ¾ w/sweep
2,3cross R over L, hold
4&5rock L to L, recover onto R, cross L over R
6,7,8unwind ¾ turn for two counts, sweep L from back to front (12:00)

B7: Rock, recover w/sweep, run back, rock back, recover, L ¼ lift
1,2,3rock L forward, recover onto R, sweep L foot from front to back
4&5run back L,R,L
6,7rock R back, recover onto L
8&1hitch R knee ¼ L (3:00)

B8: Cross, side rock, recover, cross, unwind ¾ w/sweep
2,3cross R over L, hold
4&5rock L to L, recover onto R, cross L over R
6,7,8unwind ¾ turn for two counts, sweep L from back to front (12:00)


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