Start 16 counts after beat kicks in approx. 13 seconds into song
[1-8] R jazz box cross, L hinge, R cross shuffle
1-4Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6Turning . left step R back, turning . left step L side (6 o’clock)
7&8Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
[9 -16] L side rock/recover, L sailor, R behind, L step L fwd, step R fwd, L fwd rock/recover
1-2Rock L side, recover weight on R
3&4Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L side
5&6Cross step R behind L, turning . left step L forward, step R forward (3 o’clock)
7-8Rock L forward, recover weight on R
[17-24] L full turn back, . L chasse, L weave 4 with . L
1-2Turning . left step L forward, turning . left step R back (3 o’clock)
3&4Turning . left step L side, step R together, step L side (12 o’clock)
Non-turning option 1-4: turning . left step L side, step R together, step L side, step R together, step L side
5-8Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R behind L, turning . left step L forward (9 o’clock)
[25-32] R fwd rock/recover, R coaster, L fwd rock/recover, ⅜ L shuffle
1-2Rock R forward, recover weight on L
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning 3/8 left to back left diagonal step L forward, step R together, step L forward (5 o’clock)
[33-40] Fwd cross points, R cross step, L side, . R sweeping toaster step
1-4Cross step R forward, point L side, cross step L forward, point R side
5-6Cross step R over L, step L side
7&8Turning . R sweep R behind L and step R back, step L together, step R forward (7 o’clock)
[41-48] Fwd cross points, L fwd rock/recover, . L shuffle (to face R diagonal)
1-4Facing back right diagonal cross step L forward, point side R, cross step R forward, point side L
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning . left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (now facing front R diagonal 1 o’clock)
[49-56] L full turn fwd, R fwd shuffle, L fwd rock/recover (to diagonal), ⅛ L chasse
1-2Turning . left step R back, turning . left step L forward
Non-turning option 1-2: walk forward R, L
3&4Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R (to diagonal)
7&8Turning 1/8 left to face front wall step L to side, step R together, step L side (12 o’clock)
[57-64] R fwd rock/recover, ⅜ R shuffle, L fwd, . R pivot turn, L fwd shuffle
1-2Turning to left front diagonal step rock R forward, recover weight on L (11 o’clock)
3&4Turning ⅜ right step forward R, step L together, step R forward (3 o’clock)
5-6Step L forward, pivot . right (9 o’clock)
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
Turning option on counts 7&8 – Full turn R triple step
TAG: WALL 3 - at the end of wall 3 facing 3 o’clock add 4 hip bumps R, L, R, L
[1-8] R jazz box cross, L hinge, R cross shuffle
1-4Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6Turning . left step R back, turning . left step L side (6 o’clock)
7&8Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
[9 -16] L side rock/recover, L sailor, R behind, L step L fwd, step R fwd, L fwd rock/recover
1-2Rock L side, recover weight on R
3&4Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L side
5&6Cross step R behind L, turning . left step L forward, step R forward (3 o’clock)
7-8Rock L forward, recover weight on R
[17-24] L full turn back, . L chasse, L weave 4 with . L
1-2Turning . left step L forward, turning . left step R back (3 o’clock)
3&4Turning . left step L side, step R together, step L side (12 o’clock)
Non-turning option 1-4: turning . left step L side, step R together, step L side, step R together, step L side
5-8Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R behind L, turning . left step L forward (9 o’clock)
[25-32] R fwd rock/recover, R coaster, L fwd rock/recover, ⅜ L shuffle
1-2Rock R forward, recover weight on L
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning 3/8 left to back left diagonal step L forward, step R together, step L forward (5 o’clock)
[33-40] Fwd cross points, R cross step, L side, . R sweeping toaster step
1-4Cross step R forward, point L side, cross step L forward, point R side
5-6Cross step R over L, step L side
7&8Turning . R sweep R behind L and step R back, step L together, step R forward (7 o’clock)
[41-48] Fwd cross points, L fwd rock/recover, . L shuffle (to face R diagonal)
1-4Facing back right diagonal cross step L forward, point side R, cross step R forward, point side L
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning . left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (now facing front R diagonal 1 o’clock)
[49-56] L full turn fwd, R fwd shuffle, L fwd rock/recover (to diagonal), ⅛ L chasse
1-2Turning . left step R back, turning . left step L forward
Non-turning option 1-2: walk forward R, L
3&4Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R (to diagonal)
7&8Turning 1/8 left to face front wall step L to side, step R together, step L side (12 o’clock)
[57-64] R fwd rock/recover, ⅜ R shuffle, L fwd, . R pivot turn, L fwd shuffle
1-2Turning to left front diagonal step rock R forward, recover weight on L (11 o’clock)
3&4Turning ⅜ right step forward R, step L together, step R forward (3 o’clock)
5-6Step L forward, pivot . right (9 o’clock)
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
Turning option on counts 7&8 – Full turn R triple step
TAG: WALL 3 - at the end of wall 3 facing 3 o’clock add 4 hip bumps R, L, R, L