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No Doubt About It

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Wil Bos (NL) - November 2015
No Doubt About It (feat. Jussie Smollett & Pitbull) - Empire Cast : (Single)
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Intro 32 counts

S1: Side Rock Recover, Together, Monterey ½ L, Side Rock Recover, Together, Monterey ¼ L
1-2&RF rock side, LF recover, RF close
3-4LF point side, LF ½ left step beside
5-6&RF rock side, LF recover, RF close
7-8LF point side, LF ¼ left step beside [3]

S2: Jazz Box Cross ¼ R, Side Drag, Together, Cross, Side
1-4RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back, RF step side, LF cross over
5-6&RF step side, LF drag, LF step beside
7-8RF cross over, LF step side [6]

S3: Sailor, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock Recover ¼ R, Triple ¾ R
1&2RF cross behind, LF step beside, RF step side
3&4LF cross behind, RF step side, LF cross over
5-6RF rock side, LF ¼ right recover
7&8RF ½ right step forward, LF step beside, RF ¼ right step forward [6]

S4: Jazz Box ¼ L Into Chassé ¼ L, Pivot ½ L, Rock Fwd Recover
1-2LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back
3&4LF step side, RF close, LF ¼ left step forward
5-8RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left, RF rock forward, LF recover [6] *

S5: Back, Drag, Together, Walk x2, Pivot ½ L, Rock Fwd Recover
1-2&RF step back, LF drag, LF step beside
3-4RF walk forward, LF walk forward
5-8RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left, RF rock forward, LF recover [12]

S6: Back, Drag, Together, Pivot ½ R, ¼ R Chassé, Cross Rock Recover
1-2&RF step back, LF drag, LF step beside
3-4RF step forward, LF ½ right step back
5&6RF ¼ right step side, LF close, RF step side
7-8LF rock across, RF recover [9]

S7: Side, Drag, Behind Side Cross, Chassé ¼ L, Rock Fwd Recover
1-2LF step side, RF drag
3&4RF cross behind, LF step side, RF cross over
5&6LF step side, RF close, LF ¼ left step forward
7-8RF rock forward, LF recover [6]

S8: Diag. Back Touch/Clap x3, Diag. Fwd Touch /Clap
1-4RF step right back, LF touch beside and clap, LF step left back, RF touch beside and clap
5-8RF step right back, LF touch beside and clap, LF step left forward, RF touch beside and clap [6]

Start again

*Restart: Dance the 6th wall up to and including count 32 (count 8 of the 4th section) and start again [12].

*Tag + Restart: Dance the 8th wall up to and including count 32 (count 8 of the 4th section), then:
Side, Hand movements
1RF step side, R elbow bent, make an up and down movement with head and on eye level with R hand, thumb index- and middle finger spread.
2-4R elbow bent, make on each count an up and down movement with head and on eye level with R hand, thumb index- and middle finger spread and start again [12]

Wil Bos Line Dancers - - - mobiel +31 653 53 18 23

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