Intro: Start after 32 Counts from the beginning (18 sec)
[1 – 8] Side, Rock, Recover, Behind , Side, Cross x2
1- 2Rock R to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step right behind left, step left to the left side, step right across left
5 - 6Rock L to L side, Recover on R
7 & 8Step left behind right, step right to the right side, step left fwd
[9 -16] Lock steps Diag. R & L fwd, Mambo Step , Coaster Step
1 & 2Step right Diag. right fwd, lock left behind right, step right Diag. right fwd
3 & 4Step left Diag. left fwd, lock right behind left, step left Diag. left fwd
5 & 6Rock right fwd, recover on left, step right back
7 & 8Step left back, step right next to left, step left fwd **R**
[17-24] Jazz box ½ turn right, Charleston steps
1 - 4Step right across left, ¼ turn right step left back, ¼ turn right step right Fwd, step left fwd (06.00)
5 - 6Touch right fwd, step right back
7 - 8Touch left back, step left next to right
[25-32] Roll knees out R ,L, Sailor step ¼ R, Toe Touches , Behind , Side, Cross
1 - 2Roll right knee out, roll left knee out
3 & 4Sweep right back with ¼ turn right, step left next to right, step right fwd (09.00)
5 & 6Touch left to the left side, touch left next to right, touch left to the left side
7 & 8Step left behind right , step right to the right side, step left across right.
Start Again
Restart : During wall 7
After count 16 - start again with count 1.
Ending: Dance the last 2 Counts (31 & 32) with ¼ Turn to the R to face the front wall.
Contact ~ Website : www.franciensittrop.nl
[1 – 8] Side, Rock, Recover, Behind , Side, Cross x2
1- 2Rock R to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step right behind left, step left to the left side, step right across left
5 - 6Rock L to L side, Recover on R
7 & 8Step left behind right, step right to the right side, step left fwd
[9 -16] Lock steps Diag. R & L fwd, Mambo Step , Coaster Step
1 & 2Step right Diag. right fwd, lock left behind right, step right Diag. right fwd
3 & 4Step left Diag. left fwd, lock right behind left, step left Diag. left fwd
5 & 6Rock right fwd, recover on left, step right back
7 & 8Step left back, step right next to left, step left fwd **R**
[17-24] Jazz box ½ turn right, Charleston steps
1 - 4Step right across left, ¼ turn right step left back, ¼ turn right step right Fwd, step left fwd (06.00)
5 - 6Touch right fwd, step right back
7 - 8Touch left back, step left next to right
[25-32] Roll knees out R ,L, Sailor step ¼ R, Toe Touches , Behind , Side, Cross
1 - 2Roll right knee out, roll left knee out
3 & 4Sweep right back with ¼ turn right, step left next to right, step right fwd (09.00)
5 & 6Touch left to the left side, touch left next to right, touch left to the left side
7 & 8Step left behind right , step right to the right side, step left across right.
Start Again
Restart : During wall 7
After count 16 - start again with count 1.
Ending: Dance the last 2 Counts (31 & 32) with ¼ Turn to the R to face the front wall.
Contact ~ Website : www.franciensittrop.nl