CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Feel Good (Sha La La)

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Easy Intermediate
Jonno Liberman (USA) & Rick Dominguez (USA) - October 2015
I Feel Good (feat. LunchMoney Lewis) - Thomas Rhett
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Dance begins after 16 counts

[1-8] Rock, Recover, Ball, Step, Walk x2, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, 1/4 Step (3:00)
1, 2&3Step R forward, Recover weight onto L, Step ball of R next to L, Step L forward
4, 5Step R forward, Step L forward
6&7Step R to right side, Recover onto L, Cross R over L
8Step L to left as you turn 1/4 right (3:00)

[9-16] 1/4 Step, Hold, Together, Side Rock, Recover, Weave, Step Left with Hip Bumps (6:00)
1-2,Step R back as you turn 1/4 right (6:00), Hold
&3, 4Step L next to R, Step R to right, Recover onto L
5&6Cross R behind L, Step L next to R, Cross R over L
7, 8Step L to left as you bump hips to left, bump hips to left (finish with weight over L)

[17-24] Behind, Side, Skate x3, Body Roll, Together, Heel, Together, Step (6:00)
1&2Cross R behind L, Step L to left, Step R to right as you turn 1/8 right (7:30)
3, 4Step L to left as you turn 1/2 left (4:30), Step R to right as you turn 1/8 right (7:30)
5-6Body Roll to Left: Start with shoulders and move down toward hips (finish with weight over L)
&7, &8Step R next to L as you turn 1/8 left (6:00), Touch L heel to front, Step L next to R, Step R in front of L

[25-32] 1/4 Pivot, Hold, Step, Cross, Snap, Unwind, Twist x2, Step Back, Together (6:00)
1-2Swivel both feet 1/4 L keeping weight over both (3:00), Hold
&3, 4,Step L next to R, Cross R over L, Snap your fingers
5, 6,Unwind 1/4 left (12:00), Twist both feet 1/4 left (9:00)
7, 8&Twist both feet 1/4 left (6:00), Step R back, Step L together

NOTE: The TAG and ALL of the RESTARTS will occur while facing the front wall!

RESTART after first 16 counts on walls 2, 6, and 10 (after he sings, “I FEEL…” restart on “GOOD”).

TAG happens after the first 16 counts on wall 4.
[1-8] Toe Strut In Place and Slide Together x2, Front Toe Touch, *Hold* (12:00)
1, 2&Touch R toe forward, Set R heel down, Slide R next to L
3, 4&, 5Touch L toe forward, Set L heel down, Slide L next to R, Touch R toe forward
6-8Look around confused and shout with the song, “Uh, excuse me. Can someone bring the beat back?” Have fun!

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Last Update – 7th Nov. 2015

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