CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pat Stott (UK), Andrew Palmer (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK) - September 2015
Love Is a Drug (The Longside Remix) - Markus Feehily : (CD: Love is a Drug - remixes - EP)
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#16 count intro

S1: Rock. Recover. Monterey 1/4 R. Big step fwd. Step together. Coaster-step.
1-2Rock forward on Right, recover weight to Left.
3&4&Point Right to side, 1/4 Right (3 o'clock) step right in place, point Left to side, step Left in place.
5-6Big step forward on Right, step Left beside Right.
7&8Right coaster-step.

S2: Rock. Recover. 1/2 shuffle turn Left. Full turn. Shuffle forward
1-2Rock fwd on left, recover on right
3&41/2 shuffle turn left
5-6Full turn left
7&8Right shuffle fwd

S3: 1/4 Right slight Dip . Point Right. Slight Dip. Point Left. Ball-step. Cross Rock. Recover. Chasse' 1/4
1-21/4 Right (12:00) slight dip down on Left, point Right to the diagonal
3-4Slight dip down on Right, point Left to the diagonal
&5,6Ball-step Left beside Right, cross-rock Right over Left, recover weight to the Left
7&8Chasse' 1/4 Right (3:00)

S4: Turn 1/2 Right. Kick Right. Coaster-step. Step fwd. Hold. Ball-step fwd. Scuff
1-2Turn 1/2 right stepping back on left, kick right forward
3&4Coaster step
5-6Step fwd on left, hold
&7,8Close right to left, step fwd on Left, scuff right fwd

S5: Cross. Side. Sailor-heel-ball-step. Cross. Side. Sailor-heel-ball-step
1-2Cross Right over Left, step Left to side.
3&4&Right sailor-heel-ball-step.
5-6Cross Left over Right, step Right to side.
7&8&Left sailor-heel-ball-step.
*Restart from beginning at this point during wall 5 replacing the Left sailor-heel-ball-step at count
*7&8& with a Left sailor-heel-ball-step turning 1/4 turn Left (6:00)

S6: Cross. Hold. Ball-Cross. Side. Anchor step. Touch behind. Unwind 3/4 Left
1-2Cross right over left, hold
&3,4Small step on ball of left, cross right over left, step left to left
5&6Anchor step with right
7-8Touch Left behind Right, Unwind 3/4 turn Left (12:00)

S7: Step forward. Hitch. Step back. Hook. Step forward. Turn on right 1/2 Right
1-2Step forward on right, hitch left knee
3-4Step back on left, hook right in front on left
5-6Step forward on right hitch left foot next to right (pointing toes down) and pivot 1/2 right on right foot
7-8Walk back -left, right

S8: Rock back. Recover. Shuffle Left. Point. Step. Point. Step. Heel. Step. Heel. Step
1-2Rock back on Left, recover weight to Right
3&4Left shuffle
5&6&Point side Right, step in place, point side Left, step in place
7&8&Tap Right heel fwd, step in place, tap Left heel fwd, step in place

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