#16 Count Intro
Section One: Point forward Right, point to the side with Right, behind side cross, Point forward Left, Point to the side with Left, Behind Side Cross
1 – 2point forward on right, point side with right
3 & 4step right behind left, step left side, cross right over left
5 – 6point forward on left, point side with left
7 & 8step left behind right, step right side, cross left over right
Section Two: Rock out to right side, Recover on left, cross shuffle, rock out to the left side, recover on right, cross shuffle
1 – 2rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3 & 4cross right over left, step left next to right, step forward on right
5 – 6rock left to left side, recover weight onto right
7 & 8cross left over right, step right next to left, step forward on left
**Restart on Wall 4 after 16 counts**
Section Three: point RF to Right Side, make a ¼ right turn, hitch right knee, rock back on right, step forward left, step forward right, shuffle on left,
1- 2point right to right side, make a ¼ turn right
3 - 4hitch right knee, rock back onto right,
5 – 6step forward on left, step forward on right
7 & 8step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
Section Four: Mambo forward on Right, , step back on right, left coaster, jazz box ¼, Cross
1 & 2rock forward on right, recover on left, step back on right
3 & 4step back on left, step right next to left, step forward onto left
5 – 6cross right over left, step back on left
7 – 8make a ¼ turn right to right side, crossing left over right.
Restart Dance
***Ending on Front Wall**
Contact: mrgavinteerypreedy@aol.com
Last Update – 27th Sept 2015
Section One: Point forward Right, point to the side with Right, behind side cross, Point forward Left, Point to the side with Left, Behind Side Cross
1 – 2point forward on right, point side with right
3 & 4step right behind left, step left side, cross right over left
5 – 6point forward on left, point side with left
7 & 8step left behind right, step right side, cross left over right
Section Two: Rock out to right side, Recover on left, cross shuffle, rock out to the left side, recover on right, cross shuffle
1 – 2rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3 & 4cross right over left, step left next to right, step forward on right
5 – 6rock left to left side, recover weight onto right
7 & 8cross left over right, step right next to left, step forward on left
**Restart on Wall 4 after 16 counts**
Section Three: point RF to Right Side, make a ¼ right turn, hitch right knee, rock back on right, step forward left, step forward right, shuffle on left,
1- 2point right to right side, make a ¼ turn right
3 - 4hitch right knee, rock back onto right,
5 – 6step forward on left, step forward on right
7 & 8step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
Section Four: Mambo forward on Right, , step back on right, left coaster, jazz box ¼, Cross
1 & 2rock forward on right, recover on left, step back on right
3 & 4step back on left, step right next to left, step forward onto left
5 – 6cross right over left, step back on left
7 – 8make a ¼ turn right to right side, crossing left over right.
Restart Dance
***Ending on Front Wall**
Contact: mrgavinteerypreedy@aol.com
Last Update – 27th Sept 2015