#32 Count Intro
Shuffle Right, Rock L, Recover R, Step L, Step R Behind, Step L, Heel R, Touch L.
1&2,3,4Shuffle right ,RLR, rock back on left, recover to right.
5,6,&7&8Step L to L side, step R behind left, step L, heel R, step R, touch L next to R.
Shuffle Left, Rock R, Recover L, Step R, Step L Behind, Step R, Heel L, Touch R.
1&2,3,4Shuffle Left ,LRL, rock back on right, recover to left.
5,6,&7&8Step R to R side, step L behind right, step R, heel L, step L, touch R next to L.
Make 2 Kick Ball Changes, Heel R, Heel L, Heel R, Hook
1&2, 3&4Kick R, step R, step L, kick R, step R, step L
5&6&7 8Heel R, Heel L, Heel R, Hook R over L knee.
Shuffle RLR ¼ Turn Right, Rock Forward Left, Recover R, Coaster, Right Scuff Hitch Stomp.
1&2,3,4. Shuffle RLR making ¼ turn R, rock forward onto L, recover to R,
5&6,7&8Step back L, step R next to L, step L forward, scuff R, hitch R, stomp R.
Restarts on 3rd and 6th walls
Dance through shuffle R ¼ turn, rock forward L , touch R next to L. Restart.
You will be facing 4th wall and 7th wall
Contact: bfree714@yahoo.com
Shuffle Right, Rock L, Recover R, Step L, Step R Behind, Step L, Heel R, Touch L.
1&2,3,4Shuffle right ,RLR, rock back on left, recover to right.
5,6,&7&8Step L to L side, step R behind left, step L, heel R, step R, touch L next to R.
Shuffle Left, Rock R, Recover L, Step R, Step L Behind, Step R, Heel L, Touch R.
1&2,3,4Shuffle Left ,LRL, rock back on right, recover to left.
5,6,&7&8Step R to R side, step L behind right, step R, heel L, step L, touch R next to L.
Make 2 Kick Ball Changes, Heel R, Heel L, Heel R, Hook
1&2, 3&4Kick R, step R, step L, kick R, step R, step L
5&6&7 8Heel R, Heel L, Heel R, Hook R over L knee.
Shuffle RLR ¼ Turn Right, Rock Forward Left, Recover R, Coaster, Right Scuff Hitch Stomp.
1&2,3,4. Shuffle RLR making ¼ turn R, rock forward onto L, recover to R,
5&6,7&8Step back L, step R next to L, step L forward, scuff R, hitch R, stomp R.
Restarts on 3rd and 6th walls
Dance through shuffle R ¼ turn, rock forward L , touch R next to L. Restart.
You will be facing 4th wall and 7th wall
Contact: bfree714@yahoo.com