CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Anything Can Happen

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Chas Oliver (UK) - September 2015
#16 count intro. Starts just before vocals.

Sect. 1 Side, together, back touch, side together ¼ turn Left. Hold.
1,2,3,4Step Right to side, close Left to right, step back onto Right, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8step Left to side, close Right to Left, turn ¼ turn Left, step forward onto left. Hold .

Sect. 2, Cross back back hold, cross back back hold.
1,2,3,4Cross Right over Left, step back onto Left, step Right back next to left. Hold.
5,6,7,8Cross Left over Right, step back onto Right, step back left next to Right, hold.

Sect 3. Weave Left, Sweep, behind side ¼ turn step, hold.
1,2,3,4cross Right in front of Left, step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, sweep Left out round and behind Right,
5,6,7,8step onto left, step Right to side, turn ¼ turn Right stepping onto Left, hold.

Sect 4. Repeat section 3.

Sect 5. Hinge turn x2. Right & Left.with holds.
1,2,3,4cross Right over Left, step back onto Left, turn ½ Right , step onto Right, hold.
5,6,7,8cross Left over Right, step back onto Right,turn ½ Left, step onto Left, hold.

Sect. 6. dia. Forward lock steps Right & Left.
1,2,3,4step forward on a Dia. Onto Right, step Left behind Right, step forward Right, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8step forward dia. Onto Left, step Right behind left, step forward onto Left. Touch Right next to left.

Sect. 7, rock forward & back, hold rock back & forward ,hold.
1,2,3,4rock forward onto Right, recover onto left, step back onto Right, hold.
5,6,7,8rock back onto Left, recover onto Right, step forward onto Left. Hold.

Sect. 8. Step pivot ½ turn x2. & sways
1,2,3,4step forward onto Right, pivot ½ turn Left, step ford onto Right, pivot ½ turn Left,
5,6,7,8sway Right, sway Left, sway Right, step Left next to Right.

Start Again.

Two Restarts,,,
on wall 2. after section 4.
on wall 6. after section 5.

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