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Frieze R, Frieze L
1234Step R to side, step L behind R, step R to side, touch L next to R,
5678Step L to side ,step R behind L, step L to side, touch R next to L.
R Heel Fwd, R Toe Back, Step, Touch, L Heel Fwd, L Toe Back, Step Touch
1234Place R heel forward, R toe back, step R forward, touch L next to R,
5678Place L heel forward, L toe back, step L forward, touch R next to L.
R Back, Touch L, L Back ,Touch R, R Back, Touch L, L Back ,Touch R.
1234Step R back, touch L next to R, step L back, touch R next to L,
5678Step R back, touch L next to R, step L back, touch R next to L.
R Side ,Together, Side ,Touch ,Side ,Together, 1/4 Turn L Step L forward ,Touch R.
1234Step R to side, step L next to R, step R to side, touch L next to R,
5678Step L to side, step R next to L, 1/4 turn L forward on L, touch R next to L
To Finish Dance .Step back, touch x 3 ,step L next to R.
Contact ~ Pamela Smith - email: smithies108@bigpond.com or muswellbrooklinedance.piczo.com
Frieze R, Frieze L
1234Step R to side, step L behind R, step R to side, touch L next to R,
5678Step L to side ,step R behind L, step L to side, touch R next to L.
R Heel Fwd, R Toe Back, Step, Touch, L Heel Fwd, L Toe Back, Step Touch
1234Place R heel forward, R toe back, step R forward, touch L next to R,
5678Place L heel forward, L toe back, step L forward, touch R next to L.
R Back, Touch L, L Back ,Touch R, R Back, Touch L, L Back ,Touch R.
1234Step R back, touch L next to R, step L back, touch R next to L,
5678Step R back, touch L next to R, step L back, touch R next to L.
R Side ,Together, Side ,Touch ,Side ,Together, 1/4 Turn L Step L forward ,Touch R.
1234Step R to side, step L next to R, step R to side, touch L next to R,
5678Step L to side, step R next to L, 1/4 turn L forward on L, touch R next to L
To Finish Dance .Step back, touch x 3 ,step L next to R.
Contact ~ Pamela Smith - email: smithies108@bigpond.com or muswellbrooklinedance.piczo.com