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Good Luck Girl

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Tina Argyle (UK) - July 2015
Good Luck to the Girl - Nathan Carter : (Single - iTunes)
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Count In : Start on Lyrics “There were times” …… 23 seconds into the track

S1: Toe Strut Forward x 2. Out, Out, In, In
1 - 2Touch right toe fwd, drop right heel to floor taking weight
3 - 4Touch left toe fwd, drop left heel to floor taking weight
5 - 6Step right out to right side, Step left out to left side
7 - 8Step right in, step left in at side of right

S2: Toe Strut Forward x 2. Out, Out, In, In
1 - 2Touch right toe fwd, drop right heel to floor taking weight
3 - 4Touch left toe fwd, drop left heel to floor taking weight
*** Re-Start here during wall 6 facing 9 o’clock ***
5 - 6Step right out to right side, Step left out to left side
7 - 8Step right in, step left in at side of right

S3: Right Rumba Box With Holds
1 - 2Step right to right side, step left at side of right
3 - 4Step forward right, hold
5 - 6Step left to left side, step right at side of left
7 - 8Step back left, hold

S4: Side Together Back, Hold. Left Coaster Step, Hold
1 - 2Step right to right side, step left at side of right
3 - 4Step back right, hold
5 - 8Step back left, step right at side of left, step fwd left, hold

S5: Right Side Rock Cross Hold. Left Side Rock Cross Hold.
1 - 2Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3 - 4Cross right over left, hold
5 - 6Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right
7 - 8Cross left over right, hold

S6: Chasse ¼ Turn Right. Step ½ Pivot Turn. Step
1 - 2Step right to right side, close left at side of right
3 - 4Make ¼ turn right stepping fwd right, hold (3 o’clock)
5 - 6Step fwd left, ½ pivot turn right onto right (9 o’clock)
7 - 8Step fwd left, hold

S7: Full Turn Forward with Holds (or 2 Walks Fwd) Forward Coaster Step, Sweep
1 - 2Make ½ left stepping back right, hold & clap
3 - 4Make ½ turn left stepping fwd left, hold & clap
5 - 6Step fwd right, step fwd left at side of right
7 - 8Step back right, sweep left leg anti-clockwise (leading into walks back next section)

S8: Walk Back L,R with Sweeps Left Coaster Step, Hold
1 - 2Step back left, sweep right leg clockwise
3 - 4Step back right, sweep left leg anti-clockwise
5 - 6Step back left, step right at side of left
7 - 8Step forward left, hold

TAG: At the end of walls 1 & 3 there is a 4 count Tag
Sweeping Charleston Step.
&1 - 2Sweep right leg anti-clockwise touch right toe forward, hold
&3 - 4Sweep right leg clockwise touch right toe back, hold

Re-Start during wall 6 - Re-start the dance after the 2nd set of toe struts in section 2 facing 9 o’clock

Ending - Wall 9 facing 3 o’clock - 2nd set of toe struts in section 1, turn the left toe strut a ¼ turn left to face 12 o’clock followed by a right side rock & cross.

Many Thanks to Fools Gold for suggesting this track - BOSS! J x

Last Update - 15th July 2015

3 評論

kountrykickers July 16, 2015
Love it just what line dancing is all about

JeannieR August 4, 2015
Love it ! Great little dance :)

Killwillie January 18, 2016
Not another Nathan Carter

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