Easy Intermediate
(Diagonal) R Step, L Lock, R Lock Step Fwd, (Diagonal) L Step, R Lock, L Lock Step Fwd
1 – 2Step R Fwd to R Diagonal, Lock L Behind R
3 & 4Step R Fwd to R Diagonal, Lock L Behind R, Step R Fwd to R Diagonal
5 – 6Step L Fwd to L Diagonal, Lock R Behind L
7 & 8Step L Fwd to L Diagonal, Lock R Behind L, Step L Fwd to L Diagonal
Rock R Fwd, Recover L, Shuffle ½ turn R, Rock Forward L, Full Triple Turn L
1-2Rock R Fwd, Recover L
3&4Shuffle step 1/2 turn R, stepping - R, L, R.
5-6Rock L Fwd, Recover R
7&8Making a full triple turn L, step L, R, L (Optional L Coaster Cross).
Restart here on walls 3 and 6
R Heel Jack, L Heel Jack, Rock R Fwd, Shuffle back
1&2&Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Touch L heel on L 45, Step R together
3&4&Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Touch L heel on R 45, Step L together
5-6Rock R Fwd, recover L
7&8Shuffle Back R, L, R
Rock L back, L forward Shuffle, R Step, Hold, Ball Step RL
1-2Rock L back, recover R
3&4Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-6&R step, hold, step L together
7-8R step Fwd, L step Fwd
Wall 3 after 16 counts
Wall 6 after 16 counts
Ending: ½ turn to 12:00
Contact: rckibaek@gmail.com
Last Update – 11th July 2015
1 – 2Step R Fwd to R Diagonal, Lock L Behind R
3 & 4Step R Fwd to R Diagonal, Lock L Behind R, Step R Fwd to R Diagonal
5 – 6Step L Fwd to L Diagonal, Lock R Behind L
7 & 8Step L Fwd to L Diagonal, Lock R Behind L, Step L Fwd to L Diagonal
Rock R Fwd, Recover L, Shuffle ½ turn R, Rock Forward L, Full Triple Turn L
1-2Rock R Fwd, Recover L
3&4Shuffle step 1/2 turn R, stepping - R, L, R.
5-6Rock L Fwd, Recover R
7&8Making a full triple turn L, step L, R, L (Optional L Coaster Cross).
Restart here on walls 3 and 6
R Heel Jack, L Heel Jack, Rock R Fwd, Shuffle back
1&2&Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Touch L heel on L 45, Step R together
3&4&Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Touch L heel on R 45, Step L together
5-6Rock R Fwd, recover L
7&8Shuffle Back R, L, R
Rock L back, L forward Shuffle, R Step, Hold, Ball Step RL
1-2Rock L back, recover R
3&4Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-6&R step, hold, step L together
7-8R step Fwd, L step Fwd
Wall 3 after 16 counts
Wall 6 after 16 counts
Ending: ½ turn to 12:00
Contact: rckibaek@gmail.com
Last Update – 11th July 2015