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Ritmo do Amor (Rhythm of Love).

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Phrased Easy Novice - Kuduro Rhythm
José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL), Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - June 2015
O Ritmo do Amor (Kuduro) - Emanuel : (CD: Ritmo do Amor 2011)
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Introduction: 64 counts, at the beat starts (free variation). Start on vocal approx. 36 sec.
Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B 24, A, A, B, A, A ending.

A Pattern – 32 counts.
Part Al. 1-8: Step Across Fwd, Side, Back, Cross & Cross, Side, Hold, R Chasse.
1-2&Step R slightly across L forward, step L to L, step R slightly back.
3&4Step L across R, step R to R, step L across R.
5-6Step R to R, Hold.
&7&8Step L next to R, step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R. (12:00)

PART AII. 9-16: Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Syncopated Weave L, Heel Diag, Hold, Point, Together.
1-2&Step L across R, recover back onto R, step L to L.
3&4&Step R across L, step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L.
5-6Touch R heel diagonal forward, Hold.
7-8Point R to R, step R next to L.

PART AIII. 17-24: Side, Cross, Side, Touch In Diagonal (2X)
1-2Step L to L in diagonal (towards 10.30 and facing 1.30). step R across L.
3-4Step L to L in diagonal (towards 10.30 and facing 1.30), touch R to R.
5-6Step R to R in diagonal (towards 4.30 and facing 1.30), step L across R.
7-8Making 1/8 turn L step R to R, touch L to L squaring up at (12:00).

PART AIV. 25-32: Rolling Vine L, Scuff Fwd, Jazzbox ½ R.
1-2Making ¼ turn L step L forward, making ½ turn L step R back.
3-4Making ¼ turn L step L to L, scuff R forward.
5-6Step R across L, making ¼ turn R, step L back.
7-8Making ¼ turn R to R, step L forward.

B Pattern – 32 counts.
Part Bl. 1-8: Shuffle Fwd, ½ Turning Shuffle, ½ Turning Shuffle, Fwd Rock, Recover.
1&2Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward.
3&4Making ½ turn R step L back, step R beside L, step L back.
5&6Making ½ turn R step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward.
7-8Step L forward, recover back onto R.

PART BII. 9-16: ½ Turning Shuffle, ½ Turning Shuffle, Back Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Cross & Cross.
1&2Making ½ turn L step L forward, step R beside L, step L forward.
3&4Making ½ turn L step R back, step L beside R, step R back.
5-6Step L back, recover back onto R.
7&8Making ¼ turn L step L across R, step R to R, step L across R. (9:00)

PART BIII. 17-24: Side, Together, Side, Touch, Side, Together, ¼ R, Back, Touch.
1-4Step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R, touch L next to R.
5-8Step L to L, step R next to L, making ¼ turn R step L back, touch R next to L. (12:00)
Restart here in Part B after 24 counts (See above sequence).
(Note part lll: During count 1 to 6 making chest pumps forward).

PART BIV. 25-32: Step, Hitch, ½ R, Replace, Hitch, Back Rock, Recover, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-4Step R forward, hitch L knee up, making ½ turn R over your R shoulder step L back in place, hitch R knee up.
5-8Step R back, recover back onto L, walk R forward, walk L forward. (6:00)


Dance Edit, email:,,

2 評論

Lady Blue June 27, 2015
Dear Sebastian , José Roy,

What a great dance you have made together.
I can't wait to teach it this week! Great job again!!!


Lady Blue.

Sebastiaan June 27, 2015
Dear Lady Blue,

Thank you so much for your compliment!!
Very great to hear that you like our brand new dance and that you gonna teach it!!


Sebastiaan Holtland, José Miguel Belloque Vane, Roy Verdonk, Netherlands.

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