前奏: Dance starts almost immediately – you
will hear lyrics “Its like you’re a drug” start on word DRUG
The timing of the music feels like a
very fast waltz (6/8 timing). However, the dance is not a waltz 這不是華爾滋的舞曲 |
It has been choreographed using what
is known as “rolling count” as in &a 1&a, 2&a, 3&a, 4&a
etc 這是使用rolling count的拍子數法 |
For instructors once you have the
rhythm you may want to just count with regular “&” counts however I have
broken it down on the step sheet in timing with the music. 建議融入音樂取代數拍的跳法 |
The walls are actually all done on
diagonals – so 1st wall is 10.30, 2nd wall is 7.30, 3rd wall is 4.30, 4th
wall 1.30 這首舞曲面向牆都是斜角線 第一面牆10:30, 第二面牆7:30, 第三面牆4:30, 第四面牆1:30 |
Footwork – you will notice I have
broken the steps into counts of 7 – this is for teaching purposes of how the
steps flow 這首舞曲為了比較好說明舞步的程序, 第一段只有7拍, 第四段9拍 |
第一段 |
R Back Rock, ½ Turn, L Back Rock, 2 Full
Turns Right Travelling Forward Into Right Shuffle, 1/8 Turn L Sweep 右後下沉, 轉1/2, 左後下沉, 二個右向前轉圈連前交換左繞轉1/8 |
1-2 下沉回復 |
Facing 10.30 – Rock back on right foot (1), recover weight onto left (2)
[10.30] 面向10:30 (1)右足後下沉 (2)左足回復 |
&a3-4 180併 下沉回復 |
Make ½ turn left on ball of left (no weight change) (&), step right
next to left (a), rock back on left (3), recover weight onto right (4) [4.30] (&)以左足左轉180度重心仍在左足 (a)右足併踏 (3)左足後下沉 (4)右足回復(面向4:30) |
a5 轉轉 |
Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (a), make ½ turn right
stepping forward on right (5) [4.30] (a)右轉180度左足併踏 (5)右轉180度右足前踏 (面向4:30) |
a6 轉轉 |
Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (a), make ½ turn right
stepping forward on right (6) [4.30] (a)右轉180度左足併踏 (6)右轉180度右足前踏 (面向4:30) |
a7 併 踏繞 |
Step left next to right (a), step forward on right as you do so sweep
left leg round making 1/8 turn right (7) [6.00] (a)左足併踏 (7)右足前踏左足繞並右轉45度(面向6點鐘) |
第二段 |
L Cross, R Side, L Behind, R Sweep, R
Behind, L Side, R Cross, L Side Rock, Weave/Vine To Right 左交叉, 右側, 左後, 右繞, 右後, 左側, 右交叉, 左下沉, 右藤步 |
右華倫 |
Cross left over right (8), step right to right side (a), cross left
behind right (1) [6.00] (8)左足於右足前交叉踏 (a)右足右踏 (1)左足於右足後交叉踏 (面向6點鐘) |
& 繞 左華倫 |
Sweep right foot round clockwise (no weight change) (&), cross right
behind left (2), step left to left side (a), cross right over left (3) [6.00] (&)右足順時針繞(重心在左足) (2)右足於左足後交叉踏 (a)左足左踏 (3)右足於左足前交叉踏(面向6點鐘) |
a4 下沉回復 |
Rock ball of left to left side (a), recover weight onto right (4) [6.00]
(a)左足左下沉 (4)右足回復(面向6點鐘) |
5-7 右藤步 |
Cross left over right (5), step right to right side (a), cross left
behind right (6), step right to right side (a), cross left over right (7) [6.00] (5)左足於右足前交叉踏 (a)右足右踏 (6)左足於左足後交叉踏 (a)右足右踏 (7)左足於右足前交叉踏(面向6點鐘) |
第三段 |
Unwind ¾ Turn, ½ Turn R Syncopated
Turn, Back R, ¼ Turn R Side, Cross L, Side Rock, Syncopated Cross Rocks 繞轉3/4, 右轉1/2, 右後, 右1/4, 左交叉, 側下沉, 交叉下沉 |
& 270 踏轉 |
Unwind ¾ turn right (no weight change end facing 3.00) (&), Step
forward on right (8), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (a) [9.00] (&)右繞轉270度(重心在左足, 面向3點鐘) (8)右足前踏 (a)右轉180度左足後踏(面向9點鐘) |
1, 後後90交叉 |
Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), make ¼ turn right
stepping right to right side (a), cross left over right (3) [12.00] (1)右足後踏 (2)左足後踏 (a)右轉90度右足右踏 (3)左足於右足前交叉踏(面向12點鐘) |
a4 下沉回復 |
Rock ball of right to right side (a), recover weight onto left (4), [12.00]
(a)右足右下沉 (4)左足回復(面向12點鐘) |
5&a 交叉下沉踏 |
Cross rock right over left (5), recover weight onto left (&), step
right to right side (a) [12.00] (5)右足於左足前交叉下沉 (&)左足回復 (a)右足右踏(面向12點鐘) |
6&a7 交叉下沉 踏 交叉 |
Cross rock left over right (6), recover weight onto right (&), step
left to left side (a), cross right over left (7) [12.00] (6)左足於右足前交叉下沉 (&)右足回復 (a)左足左踏 (7)右足於左足前交叉踏(面向12點鐘) |
第四段 |
R Coaster Cross With Turn X 2, R
Coaster Step, Full Turn Right Travelling Forward, Run Back R, L. 右海岸交叉轉二次, 右海岸, 右向前轉圈, 後跑-右, 左 |
a 後後併交叉 |
Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (8),
step left next to right (a), make 1/8 R crossing right over left (1) [3.00] (a)右轉45度左足後踏 (8)右足後踏 (a)左足併踏 (1)右轉45度右足於左足前交叉踏(面向3點鐘) |
a 後後併交叉 |
Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (2),
step left next to right (a), make 1/8 R crossing right over left (3) [6.00] (a)右轉45度左足後踏 (8)右足後踏 (a)左足併踏 (1)右轉45度右足於左足前交叉踏(面向6點鐘) |
a 後後併前 |
Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (4),
step left next to right (a), step forward on right (5) [7.30] (a)右轉45度左足後踏 (8)右足後踏 (a)左足併踏 (1)右足前踏(面向7:30) |
轉轉下沉 |
Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (6), make ½ turn right
stepping forward on right (a), rock forward on left (7) [7.30] (6)右轉180度左足併踏 (a)右轉180度右足前踏 (7)左足前下沉(面向7:30) |
後後 |
Recover weight onto right stepping back on right (8), step back on left
(a) – start again rocking back on left. [7.30] (8)右足後踏 (a)左足後踏 (面向7:30) |
They happen AFTER each chorus (only twice), you will dance the first 7 counts
of dance “add ‘a 在跳完7拍後加a |
Count 7 was the right foot stepping forward (do not sweep), make ½ turn
right stepping left next to right (a), step back on right (8), step back on
left (a) (7) 右足前踏左足不要繞 (a)右轉180度左足併踏 (8)右足後踏 (a)左足後踏 |
1st restart: 第一次 從頭起跳 |
On 4th wall. You will begin 4th wall facing 1.30 do
FIRST 7 counts plus ‘a 第四面牆面向1:30跳完第7拍加a |
2nd restart: 第二次 從頭起跳 |
On 7th wall. You will begin 7th wall facing 7.30 do
FIRST 7 counts plus ‘a 第七面牆面向7:30跳完第7拍加a |
TAG: This happens
at END of 8th wall. You will be facing 4.30 when you do the tag. The music
has a change beat it has a strong build up (this is your reminder for the
tag) 加拍:第八面牆結束面向4:30時, 音樂會轉向重音時注意加拍 |
1-2 走走 |
Walk back on right (1), walk back on left (2) [4.30] (1)右足後走步 (2)左足後走步(面向4:30) |