Easy Intermediate
[1 – 8] R Side Rock, Hinge ½ R Shuffle, L Cross and turn ¾ L, Rock Bck
1 2 3 & 4R Rock Side, Recover onto L, Hinge turn ½ R Side Shuffle (RLR)
5 & 6 7 8L Cross, ¼ L Step R Back, ½ L Step L Fwd, R Rock Fwd, Recover onto L
[9 – 16] R Lock Step Back, ¼ L Side Rock, L Sailor Step Fwd, R Rock, Fwd Bck
1 & 2 3 4R Back, L Lock Across, R Back, ¼ L Side, Recover onto R
5 & 6 7 8L Behind, R Side, L Fwd, R Rock Fwd, Recover onto L
[17 – 24] ½ R Turn & Run Fwd R L R, L Rock Fwd, Back, ¼ R Sailor, R Sailor
1 & 2 3 4½ R and Run Fwd R L R, L Rock Fwd, Recover onto R
5 & 6 7 & 8L Back, ¼ R Side, Recover, R Behind, L Side, Recover
[25 – 32] L Bck, Sweep R Out ¼ R , Rock Bck, Fwd, Ball-Step Fwd, Bck, L Coaster X
1 2 3 4#L Back, Sweep R Out making ¼ R turn, Rock Bck, Recover Fwd onto L* #
&5 6 7 & 8R Ball-Step L Fwd, Recover back onto R, L Coaster Cross
Restart: Wall 4 Dance up to Count 28 * - Restart from the beginning
Ending: Wall 8 During wall 8 the music starts to fade out. Keep dancing .
#About Counts 25 – 28 the music will slow
Dance through to 29 (ball step) and Slow Drag R up and close beside L
We hope you enjoy this dance.......listen too to the beautiful words
Contact ~ Email: sioux.wilson@yahoo.com.au
1 2 3 & 4R Rock Side, Recover onto L, Hinge turn ½ R Side Shuffle (RLR)
5 & 6 7 8L Cross, ¼ L Step R Back, ½ L Step L Fwd, R Rock Fwd, Recover onto L
[9 – 16] R Lock Step Back, ¼ L Side Rock, L Sailor Step Fwd, R Rock, Fwd Bck
1 & 2 3 4R Back, L Lock Across, R Back, ¼ L Side, Recover onto R
5 & 6 7 8L Behind, R Side, L Fwd, R Rock Fwd, Recover onto L
[17 – 24] ½ R Turn & Run Fwd R L R, L Rock Fwd, Back, ¼ R Sailor, R Sailor
1 & 2 3 4½ R and Run Fwd R L R, L Rock Fwd, Recover onto R
5 & 6 7 & 8L Back, ¼ R Side, Recover, R Behind, L Side, Recover
[25 – 32] L Bck, Sweep R Out ¼ R , Rock Bck, Fwd, Ball-Step Fwd, Bck, L Coaster X
1 2 3 4#L Back, Sweep R Out making ¼ R turn, Rock Bck, Recover Fwd onto L* #
&5 6 7 & 8R Ball-Step L Fwd, Recover back onto R, L Coaster Cross
Restart: Wall 4 Dance up to Count 28 * - Restart from the beginning
Ending: Wall 8 During wall 8 the music starts to fade out. Keep dancing .
#About Counts 25 – 28 the music will slow
Dance through to 29 (ball step) and Slow Drag R up and close beside L
We hope you enjoy this dance.......listen too to the beautiful words
Contact ~ Email: sioux.wilson@yahoo.com.au