Double Clap at beat 16, Begin Routine at beat 17
Sec 1: Steps R, L, Heel Switches RL, Kick L, Step Coaster
1 2Step slightly fwd R, Step slightly fwd L
3&4Tap R heel fwd, Step R to L, Tap L heel fwd
5 6 7 8Kick L, Step L, Step back R, Step back L, Step fwd R
Sec 2: Vine L w/Cross, Weave R w/Cross
1 2Step L to left, Step R behind L
3&4Step L to L, Step R, Cross L over R
5 6Step R to right, Cross L over R
7&8Step R to R, Step L, Cross R over L
Sec 3: Side Rock-Rec 1/4 left Touch
1 2Rock L to left, Recover on R
3 4Turn 1/4 left and Step back L, Touch R
EZ Tag: 4 Counts After Wall 4 - You will be facing 12:00
1 2 3 4Stand or step in place and Clap, Clap, Clap, Double-Clap,
Make sure to finish Tag with weight on L (left foot)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. Contact: willbeys@aol.com [ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]
Sec 1: Steps R, L, Heel Switches RL, Kick L, Step Coaster
1 2Step slightly fwd R, Step slightly fwd L
3&4Tap R heel fwd, Step R to L, Tap L heel fwd
5 6 7 8Kick L, Step L, Step back R, Step back L, Step fwd R
Sec 2: Vine L w/Cross, Weave R w/Cross
1 2Step L to left, Step R behind L
3&4Step L to L, Step R, Cross L over R
5 6Step R to right, Cross L over R
7&8Step R to R, Step L, Cross R over L
Sec 3: Side Rock-Rec 1/4 left Touch
1 2Rock L to left, Recover on R
3 4Turn 1/4 left and Step back L, Touch R
EZ Tag: 4 Counts After Wall 4 - You will be facing 12:00
1 2 3 4Stand or step in place and Clap, Clap, Clap, Double-Clap,
Make sure to finish Tag with weight on L (left foot)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. Contact: willbeys@aol.com [ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]