Dance starts after 48 counts....on the word “in”. (You walked “in”....)
There is one “Restart” that happens on Wall 5. You will start the dance facing 12:00.
After the first 32 counts, Restart the dance, facing 12:00.
S1: Walk x 2, Kick, Ball Step, Rock/Bump Steps and Claps:
1-2-3 & 4Walk forward R (1), Walk forward L (2), Kick R (3), Step on R (&) Step L forward (4)
5-6-7-8Rock/Stomp forward on R & bump (5), Recover L and clap (6), Rock/Stomp forward R & bump (7), Recover L and clap (8) 12:00
S2: Triple Steps Back With ½ Turn Left, Pivot Turns:
1 & 2Step R back (1), Step L to R (&), Step R back (2),
3 & 4Step L to side as you Turn ¼ Left (3), Step R to L (&) Step L forward as you turn ¼ Left (4) 6:00
5-6-7-8Step forward R (5), Turn ½ to Left stepping on L (6), Step forward R (7), 12:00: Turn ¼ to Left stepping on L (8) 9:00
S3: Cross, 2 x ¼ Turn Right, Touch, Toe Touch, Turning ¼ Scissor Cross & Touch Side :
1-2-3-4Step R over L 1), Step L back as you turn 1/4 Right (2), Turn ¼ Right and Step R to side (3), Touch L toe to Left side (4) 3:00
5-6 & 7 8Touch L across R (5), Step L back as you turn 1/8 to Right (6), Step R to L as you turn 1/8 to Right (&) Step L across R (7), Touch R Side Right, Pushing R hip to Right (8) (Weight is on L) 6:00
S4: Hip Rolls and Bumps With Heel Swivels, 2 Sailor ¼ Turns:
1-2-3-4Roll hips forward and around to the back (1) Bump R as you Swivel heels to Right (2), Roll hips back and around to the Left (3), Bump L as you Swivel heels to Left (4)
5 & 6Step R slightly behind L (5), Step L slightly side L (&), Start to turn ¼ Left as you Step R Side R (6)
7 & 8Step L slightly behind R (7), Step R slightly side R (&), Finish the TOTAL ½ Turn Left as you Step forward on L (8) 12:00
***Restart here on 5th rotation
S5: Kick, Touch Back, Rock & “Look” Turn, Recover, Touch, Hitch, Touch, Kick to Diagonal:
1-2-3-4Kick R forward (1), Touch R toe back (2), Look to R as you turn ¼ to Right shifting weight to R (3), Recover to L as you turn ¼ to Left (4) 12:00
5-6-7-8Touch R toe to R side (5), Hitch R knee toward chest with Left upper body contraction (6), Touch R toe to R side (7), Kick R forward to 1/8 diagonal Right with full upper body contraction (8) 1:30
S6: Samba R on Diagonal, Cross, 7/8 Turn Left, Rock Recover Touch:
1-a-2Step forward R (1), Step L slightly to L (“a”), Step R slightly to R (2),1:30
3-4Cross L over R (3), Step back R turning 1/8 to Left (4) 12:00
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ Left Step L to side (5), 9:00: Turn ½ Left and Rock R to side (6), Recover L (7), Touch R to L (8) 3:00
End of dance! Have fun!
Contact: RonaKaye112@Yahoo.com
There is one “Restart” that happens on Wall 5. You will start the dance facing 12:00.
After the first 32 counts, Restart the dance, facing 12:00.
S1: Walk x 2, Kick, Ball Step, Rock/Bump Steps and Claps:
1-2-3 & 4Walk forward R (1), Walk forward L (2), Kick R (3), Step on R (&) Step L forward (4)
5-6-7-8Rock/Stomp forward on R & bump (5), Recover L and clap (6), Rock/Stomp forward R & bump (7), Recover L and clap (8) 12:00
S2: Triple Steps Back With ½ Turn Left, Pivot Turns:
1 & 2Step R back (1), Step L to R (&), Step R back (2),
3 & 4Step L to side as you Turn ¼ Left (3), Step R to L (&) Step L forward as you turn ¼ Left (4) 6:00
5-6-7-8Step forward R (5), Turn ½ to Left stepping on L (6), Step forward R (7), 12:00: Turn ¼ to Left stepping on L (8) 9:00
S3: Cross, 2 x ¼ Turn Right, Touch, Toe Touch, Turning ¼ Scissor Cross & Touch Side :
1-2-3-4Step R over L 1), Step L back as you turn 1/4 Right (2), Turn ¼ Right and Step R to side (3), Touch L toe to Left side (4) 3:00
5-6 & 7 8Touch L across R (5), Step L back as you turn 1/8 to Right (6), Step R to L as you turn 1/8 to Right (&) Step L across R (7), Touch R Side Right, Pushing R hip to Right (8) (Weight is on L) 6:00
S4: Hip Rolls and Bumps With Heel Swivels, 2 Sailor ¼ Turns:
1-2-3-4Roll hips forward and around to the back (1) Bump R as you Swivel heels to Right (2), Roll hips back and around to the Left (3), Bump L as you Swivel heels to Left (4)
5 & 6Step R slightly behind L (5), Step L slightly side L (&), Start to turn ¼ Left as you Step R Side R (6)
7 & 8Step L slightly behind R (7), Step R slightly side R (&), Finish the TOTAL ½ Turn Left as you Step forward on L (8) 12:00
***Restart here on 5th rotation
S5: Kick, Touch Back, Rock & “Look” Turn, Recover, Touch, Hitch, Touch, Kick to Diagonal:
1-2-3-4Kick R forward (1), Touch R toe back (2), Look to R as you turn ¼ to Right shifting weight to R (3), Recover to L as you turn ¼ to Left (4) 12:00
5-6-7-8Touch R toe to R side (5), Hitch R knee toward chest with Left upper body contraction (6), Touch R toe to R side (7), Kick R forward to 1/8 diagonal Right with full upper body contraction (8) 1:30
S6: Samba R on Diagonal, Cross, 7/8 Turn Left, Rock Recover Touch:
1-a-2Step forward R (1), Step L slightly to L (“a”), Step R slightly to R (2),1:30
3-4Cross L over R (3), Step back R turning 1/8 to Left (4) 12:00
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ Left Step L to side (5), 9:00: Turn ½ Left and Rock R to side (6), Recover L (7), Touch R to L (8) 3:00
End of dance! Have fun!
Contact: RonaKaye112@Yahoo.com