CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Won't Shut Us Down

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Trista Ison - June 2015
House Party - Sam Hunt
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#16 Count Intro

[1-8] Hitch, Slide, Point, Hitch, Rolling vine w/ clap
1,2Hitch L up (1) and slide back on L (2)
&3,4Step together w/ R (&) Point L to left side(3) Hitch L up(4)
5,6Step down on L(5) ½ turn left stepping out w/ R(6)
7,8½ turn left stepping out w/ L(7) Step together w/ R and clap(8)

[9-16] Step, L Sailor, R Sailor, Step, Step, Lock Step
1,2&3Step right w/ R(1) Step L behind R(2) Step R to the right(&) Step L forward(3)
4&5Step R behind L(4) Step L to left side(&) Step R forward(5)
6,7&8Step forward on L(6) Step forward on R(7) Lock L behind R(&) Step forward on R
(weight should end on R)(Small steps on last 3 counts 7&8)

[17-24] Rock Recover, ½ turn triple, ¼ turn, Sway x3
1,2Rock forward on L(1) Recover weight back on R(2)
3&4½ turn over left side stepping fwd on L(3) Step together w/ R(&) Step forward on L(4)
5,6Make ¼ turn left as you step R to right side(5) sway hips L(6)
7,8Sway hips R(7) Sway hips L(8)

[25-32] Syncopated weave R, Step, ¼ right w/ L, ½ turnR, Triple step
1,2Step right w/ R(1) Step behind w/ L(2)
&3,4Step R to right(&) Cross L over R(3) Step R to right(4)
5,6Step ¼ turn right w/ L(5) ½ turn over right taking weight on R(6)
7&8Step fwd on L(7) step together w/ R(&) step fwd L(8)
***Restart on 3rd wall*** Replace 7&8 with: step fwd L(7) step fwd R(8)

[33-40] R mambo, L mambo, Step back x2, R coaster step
1&2Rock fwd on R(1) Recover weight on L(&) step together on R(2)
3&4Rock fwd on L(3) Recover weight on R(&) step together on L(4)
5,6Step back on R(5) Step back on L(6)
7&8Step back on R(7) step together with L(&) Step fwd on R(8)
Mambo steps 1-4 should be small steps w/ more hips used than footwork

[41-48] L Kickball change, L kickball point, R heel hitch, R coaster step
1&2Kick L foot fwd(1) step down on L(&) step fwd on R(2)
3&4Kick L foot fwd(3) step down together on L(&) point R foot to right side(4)
5&6Pick up R foot(5) hook R foot over L leg(&) bring R foot back to right side(6)
7&8Step back on R(7) Step together w/ L (&) step fwd on R(8)

End of dance!

The Restart on the 3rd wall consists of changing counts 31&32 from a triple step to a step forward on L and a step forward on R so that you may be on the right foot to Restart the dance.


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