Intro: 24 count start Intro (Start on the heavy down beat in the instrumental)
[1-8] Dble R Hip, Dble L Hip, Single Hip R,L,R,L
1,2,3,4Double R hip bump to R side, Double L hip bump to L side
5,6,7,8R Hip Bump, L Hip Bump, R Hip Bump, L Hip Bump,
[9-16] R Shuffle Fwd, L fwd pivot ½ R, L Shuffle fwd , step R fwd pivot ½ L
1&2,3,4Step R fwd, step L beside R, step R fwd, step fwd on L, ** pivot ½ R weight on R
5&6,7,8Step L fwd, step R beside L, step L fwd, step fwd on R, pivot ½ L weight on L
[17-24] R out to R diag, L out to L diag, turn ¼ R R to R side, L beside R
1,2,3,4Step R out to R diag, step L out to L diag, Turn ¼ R step R to R side, step L beside R
5,6,7,8Step R out to R diag, Step L out to L diag, Turn ¼ R step R to R side, step L beside R, (6oclock) ***
[25-32] Freeze R, L Heel fwd to L Diag & Clap, Freeze L, R Heel fwd to R Diag& Clap
1,2,3,4Step R to R Side, step L behind R, step R to R side, place L heel fwd to L diag & clap
5,6,7,8Step L to L Side, step R behind L, step L to L side, place R heel fwd to R diag & clap
(Option – do rolling freeze)
Begin dance again. 6 o’clock
Restart on wall 5 after count 11, ** tap R beside L restart facing 12 o’clock.
***You will finish the dance on wall 14 facing 12 o’clock do to count 24 you will be facing 6oclock then repeat counts 17 to 24 this will bring you back to the front –end of dance.
For the Guyra and Armidale Girls work shop and also thanks to Lyn, Helen and Peggy for their support.
Contact: tctys101@gmail.com
[1-8] Dble R Hip, Dble L Hip, Single Hip R,L,R,L
1,2,3,4Double R hip bump to R side, Double L hip bump to L side
5,6,7,8R Hip Bump, L Hip Bump, R Hip Bump, L Hip Bump,
[9-16] R Shuffle Fwd, L fwd pivot ½ R, L Shuffle fwd , step R fwd pivot ½ L
1&2,3,4Step R fwd, step L beside R, step R fwd, step fwd on L, ** pivot ½ R weight on R
5&6,7,8Step L fwd, step R beside L, step L fwd, step fwd on R, pivot ½ L weight on L
[17-24] R out to R diag, L out to L diag, turn ¼ R R to R side, L beside R
1,2,3,4Step R out to R diag, step L out to L diag, Turn ¼ R step R to R side, step L beside R
5,6,7,8Step R out to R diag, Step L out to L diag, Turn ¼ R step R to R side, step L beside R, (6oclock) ***
[25-32] Freeze R, L Heel fwd to L Diag & Clap, Freeze L, R Heel fwd to R Diag& Clap
1,2,3,4Step R to R Side, step L behind R, step R to R side, place L heel fwd to L diag & clap
5,6,7,8Step L to L Side, step R behind L, step L to L side, place R heel fwd to R diag & clap
(Option – do rolling freeze)
Begin dance again. 6 o’clock
Restart on wall 5 after count 11, ** tap R beside L restart facing 12 o’clock.
***You will finish the dance on wall 14 facing 12 o’clock do to count 24 you will be facing 6oclock then repeat counts 17 to 24 this will bring you back to the front –end of dance.
For the Guyra and Armidale Girls work shop and also thanks to Lyn, Helen and Peggy for their support.
Contact: tctys101@gmail.com