Start after 64 counts from the first upbeat (on the word «know»)
Section 1: Vine to the R, L scuff, L hook, L heel across R x2, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, scuff L beside R
5-8L hook across R shin, (tap L heel forward across R) x2, hold
Section 2: L side step, R scuff, heel, heel, back, stomp up L, stomp L fwd, hold
1-4Step L to the L, scuff R beside L, R heel forward (R diagonal), L heel forward (L diagonal)
5-8R back step, stomp up L beside R, stomp L forward, hold
Section 3: R step lock step fwd, kick, hook, kick L back jump rock step
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, L kick forward
5-6L hook across R shin, L kick forward
7-8(jumping) L back rock, recover onto R
Section 4: Stomp L fwd, hold, R ¼ T, hold, stomp up L fwd, stomp L fwd, back crossed R toe, hold
1-4Stomp L forward, hold, R ¼ T, hold
5-8Stomp up L forward, Stomp L forward, R toe crossed behind L, hold
Style: On counts 7-8, turn your head left
Tag: At the end of wall 5, facing 3h00, add the 4 following counts:
[1-4] R back jump rock step, stomp up R beside L, hold
1-4(jumping) R back rock, recover onto L, stomp up R beside L (keep weight on L), hold
Have fun with this dance…
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr
Section 1: Vine to the R, L scuff, L hook, L heel across R x2, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, scuff L beside R
5-8L hook across R shin, (tap L heel forward across R) x2, hold
Section 2: L side step, R scuff, heel, heel, back, stomp up L, stomp L fwd, hold
1-4Step L to the L, scuff R beside L, R heel forward (R diagonal), L heel forward (L diagonal)
5-8R back step, stomp up L beside R, stomp L forward, hold
Section 3: R step lock step fwd, kick, hook, kick L back jump rock step
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, L kick forward
5-6L hook across R shin, L kick forward
7-8(jumping) L back rock, recover onto R
Section 4: Stomp L fwd, hold, R ¼ T, hold, stomp up L fwd, stomp L fwd, back crossed R toe, hold
1-4Stomp L forward, hold, R ¼ T, hold
5-8Stomp up L forward, Stomp L forward, R toe crossed behind L, hold
Style: On counts 7-8, turn your head left
Tag: At the end of wall 5, facing 3h00, add the 4 following counts:
[1-4] R back jump rock step, stomp up R beside L, hold
1-4(jumping) R back rock, recover onto L, stomp up R beside L (keep weight on L), hold
Have fun with this dance…
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr