Notes: 16 count intro from the start of the song
[1-8] Step Fwd, Sweep, Step Across, Step Back, 1/4 Turn, Touch, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn
1,2Step R fwd, Sweep L fwd
3,4Step L across/over R, Step R back
5,61/4 Turn L step L to L side, Touch R toe to R side (9.00)
7,81/4 Turn R step R foot fwd, 1/4 Turn R step L to L side (3.00)
[9-16] 3/8 Coaster Step, Kick, Step Back, Together, Step Across, 3/8 Turn
1,2,3Step R back on 45, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
4,5,6Kick L fwd, Step L back, Step R next to L
7,8Step L across R, 3/8 Turn L step R back (12.00)
[17-24] 1/4 Turn, Cross Samba, Step Across, 1/4 Turn, Step Back, Drag
11/4 Turn L step L to L side (3.00)
2,3,4Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (almost moving fwd a bit)
5,6Step L across R, 1/4 Turn L step R back (6.00)
7,8Step L back, Drag R toe towards L
[25-32] Walk Across, Drag, Walk Across, Drag, Cross Samba, Step/Drag
1,2Walk R fwd/across, Drag L towards R
3,4Walk L fwd/across, Drag R towards L
5,6,7Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (moving forward)
8Step L fwd whilst dragging R towards L RESTART
[33-40] 1/2 Pivot Turn, Step, Drag, Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Replace
1,2Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn L (keep weight on R (12.00)
3,4Step L slightly fwd, Drag R toe towards L
5,6Step R fwd, 1/2 Turn R step L back (6.00) RESTART/TAG
7,81/4 Turn R step R to R side, Replace weight to L (9.00)
[41-48] R Sailor, L Sailor, Step Back, Hook
1,2,3Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (do on a R angle)
4,5,6Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L in place (do on a L angle)
7,8Step R back whilst dragging L towards R, Hook L across R (weight on R)
[49-56] Step Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Fwd Coaster Step, Step Back, Drag
1Step L fwd
2,3Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn L (weight on L) (3.00)
4,5,6Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R back
7,8Step L back, Drag R toe towards L
[57-64] Step Back, Sweep, Step Back, Sweep, 1/4 Sailor Step, Together
1,2Step R back, Sweep L back
3,4Step L back, Sweep R back
5,6,7Step R behind L making a 1/4 Turn R, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (6.00)
8Step L next to R (weight on L)
RESTART – On wall 3 dance to count 32 and restart at the back wall
RESTART/TAG – On wall 5 dance to count 38 then do the following 2 counts to Start at the front wall
39-40 1/2 Turn R step R fwd, Step L fwd
Finish – Wall 7, dance to count 49 then do a 1/4 Pivot turn to the front wall to finish.
Contact: Adrian Lefebour – 0412 207 745 alefebour@gmail.com
[1-8] Step Fwd, Sweep, Step Across, Step Back, 1/4 Turn, Touch, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn
1,2Step R fwd, Sweep L fwd
3,4Step L across/over R, Step R back
5,61/4 Turn L step L to L side, Touch R toe to R side (9.00)
7,81/4 Turn R step R foot fwd, 1/4 Turn R step L to L side (3.00)
[9-16] 3/8 Coaster Step, Kick, Step Back, Together, Step Across, 3/8 Turn
1,2,3Step R back on 45, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
4,5,6Kick L fwd, Step L back, Step R next to L
7,8Step L across R, 3/8 Turn L step R back (12.00)
[17-24] 1/4 Turn, Cross Samba, Step Across, 1/4 Turn, Step Back, Drag
11/4 Turn L step L to L side (3.00)
2,3,4Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (almost moving fwd a bit)
5,6Step L across R, 1/4 Turn L step R back (6.00)
7,8Step L back, Drag R toe towards L
[25-32] Walk Across, Drag, Walk Across, Drag, Cross Samba, Step/Drag
1,2Walk R fwd/across, Drag L towards R
3,4Walk L fwd/across, Drag R towards L
5,6,7Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (moving forward)
8Step L fwd whilst dragging R towards L RESTART
[33-40] 1/2 Pivot Turn, Step, Drag, Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Replace
1,2Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn L (keep weight on R (12.00)
3,4Step L slightly fwd, Drag R toe towards L
5,6Step R fwd, 1/2 Turn R step L back (6.00) RESTART/TAG
7,81/4 Turn R step R to R side, Replace weight to L (9.00)
[41-48] R Sailor, L Sailor, Step Back, Hook
1,2,3Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (do on a R angle)
4,5,6Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L in place (do on a L angle)
7,8Step R back whilst dragging L towards R, Hook L across R (weight on R)
[49-56] Step Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Fwd Coaster Step, Step Back, Drag
1Step L fwd
2,3Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn L (weight on L) (3.00)
4,5,6Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R back
7,8Step L back, Drag R toe towards L
[57-64] Step Back, Sweep, Step Back, Sweep, 1/4 Sailor Step, Together
1,2Step R back, Sweep L back
3,4Step L back, Sweep R back
5,6,7Step R behind L making a 1/4 Turn R, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (6.00)
8Step L next to R (weight on L)
RESTART – On wall 3 dance to count 32 and restart at the back wall
RESTART/TAG – On wall 5 dance to count 38 then do the following 2 counts to Start at the front wall
39-40 1/2 Turn R step R fwd, Step L fwd
Finish – Wall 7, dance to count 49 then do a 1/4 Pivot turn to the front wall to finish.
Contact: Adrian Lefebour – 0412 207 745 alefebour@gmail.com