Section 1: Step Forward/out Right Left, behind side cross, ¼ turn left ½ turn left, Left coaster
1-2Step right forward and slightly out, step left forward and slightly out,
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left,
5-6Step left 1/4 turn left, step right back 1/2 turn left, (3 o'clock)
7&8step back left, step right next to left, step forward left
Section 2: Syncopated diagonal rocks, heel switches & step touch
1-2Rock right forward (right diagonal), recover back left
&3-4Step right next to left, rock back left (left diagonal), recover forward right
5&6Touch left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right heel forward
&7-8Step right next to left, step forward left, touch right toe next to left
Section 3: Bump back forward back, 1/4 turn left bump side L R L, point front side, behind side cross
1&2Step back right bumping hips back, recover forward left bumping forward, recover back right bumping back (weight on right)
3&4Turn 1/4 left stepping left to side bumping hips left, recover right bumping right side, recover left bumping left side (weight on left) (12 o'clock)
**(Tag on wall 5 see note below)
5-6Point right toe forward, point right toe side
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right over left
Section 4: Side rock & side together, R kick & point, L kick & point
1-2Rock left to left side, recover right
&3-4Step left next to right, step right to right side, step left next to right
5&6Kick right forward, step right next to left, point left to left side
7&8Kick left forward, step left next to right, point right to right side
*Dance counts 5&6 7&8 for bridge (see note below)
Section 5: Back shuffles R L, rock back recover, 1/2 turn left shuffle RLR
1&2Step back right, step left next to right, step back right
3&4Step back left, step right next to left, step back left
5-6Rock back right, recover left
7&81/4 turn left stepping right, step left next to right, 1/4 turn left stepping slightly back right (6 o'clock)
Section 6: Back shuffles L R, rock back recover, BIg step forward, scuff
1&2Step back left, step right next to left, step back left
3&4step back right, step left next to right, step back right
5-6Rock back left, recover right
7-8Step forward left, scuff right foot next to left (Take a big step forward when stepping left)
*Bridge:- During wall 2 after dancing section 4 (facing 6 o'clock) repeat the last 4 counts in section 4 (R kick & point, L kick & point) Then continue dance from section 5.
**Tag:- During wall 5 after dancing counts 3&4 in section 3 (facing 12 o'clock) dance last 16 counts of the dance (sections 5 & 6 ) Then continue the dance as normal.
Ending:- Facing 12 o'clock after section 3, step left to left side and big finish with hands in the air!!
CONTACT US:- stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @Rodeostomp Linedancing
1-2Step right forward and slightly out, step left forward and slightly out,
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left,
5-6Step left 1/4 turn left, step right back 1/2 turn left, (3 o'clock)
7&8step back left, step right next to left, step forward left
Section 2: Syncopated diagonal rocks, heel switches & step touch
1-2Rock right forward (right diagonal), recover back left
&3-4Step right next to left, rock back left (left diagonal), recover forward right
5&6Touch left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right heel forward
&7-8Step right next to left, step forward left, touch right toe next to left
Section 3: Bump back forward back, 1/4 turn left bump side L R L, point front side, behind side cross
1&2Step back right bumping hips back, recover forward left bumping forward, recover back right bumping back (weight on right)
3&4Turn 1/4 left stepping left to side bumping hips left, recover right bumping right side, recover left bumping left side (weight on left) (12 o'clock)
**(Tag on wall 5 see note below)
5-6Point right toe forward, point right toe side
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right over left
Section 4: Side rock & side together, R kick & point, L kick & point
1-2Rock left to left side, recover right
&3-4Step left next to right, step right to right side, step left next to right
5&6Kick right forward, step right next to left, point left to left side
7&8Kick left forward, step left next to right, point right to right side
*Dance counts 5&6 7&8 for bridge (see note below)
Section 5: Back shuffles R L, rock back recover, 1/2 turn left shuffle RLR
1&2Step back right, step left next to right, step back right
3&4Step back left, step right next to left, step back left
5-6Rock back right, recover left
7&81/4 turn left stepping right, step left next to right, 1/4 turn left stepping slightly back right (6 o'clock)
Section 6: Back shuffles L R, rock back recover, BIg step forward, scuff
1&2Step back left, step right next to left, step back left
3&4step back right, step left next to right, step back right
5-6Rock back left, recover right
7-8Step forward left, scuff right foot next to left (Take a big step forward when stepping left)
*Bridge:- During wall 2 after dancing section 4 (facing 6 o'clock) repeat the last 4 counts in section 4 (R kick & point, L kick & point) Then continue dance from section 5.
**Tag:- During wall 5 after dancing counts 3&4 in section 3 (facing 12 o'clock) dance last 16 counts of the dance (sections 5 & 6 ) Then continue the dance as normal.
Ending:- Facing 12 o'clock after section 3, step left to left side and big finish with hands in the air!!
CONTACT US:- stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @Rodeostomp Linedancing