Intro: Dance starts after 40 counts, Weight on R
S1: 1/4, 1/4, Behind-Side-Cross, Step, Hold, Ball-Step, Mambo-Back
1-2(1) Turn 1/4 L step L fwd 2) Turn 1/4 L step R to side (6:00)
3&4(3) Step L behind R &) Step R to side 4) Step L across R
5-6&7(5) Step R to R diagonal 6) Hold &) Ball step L to R 7) Step R fwd (7:30)
8&1(8) Rock L fwd &) Recover to R 1) Step L back (7:30)
S2: Behind, 1/4, Step-Pivot 1/2-Point 1/4, Touch Fwd, Touch Side, Together-Side-Together
2-3(2) Step R behind L (squaring up to 6:00) 3) Turn 1/4 L step L fwd (3:00)
4&5(4) Step R fwd &) Pivot 1/2 (weight to L) 5) Turn 1/4 L Point R to side (6:00)
6-7(6) Touch R toe fwd 7) Touch R toe to side
8&1(8) Step R to L &) Ball step L to side 1) Step R across L (6:00)
S3: Sway, Sway, Side-Together-1/4, Step Diag, 1/4, Back-Together-Back
2-3&(2) Rock L to side, Sway L 3) Recover to R, Sway R &) Lift L to R
4&5(4) Step L to L side &) Step R to L 5) Turn 1/4 R step L back (9:00)
6-7(6) Step R to R diagonal (10:30) 7) Turn 1/4 R step L to side (1:30) (Think of half of a “Box Glide”)
8&1(8) Square up to 3:00 step R diagonal back &) Step L to R 1) Step R diagonal back (3:00)
S4: Backward Skates x3, Step, Cross, Unwind full turn
&2&3(&) Slide L to R 2) Step L back to L diag &) Slide R to L 3) Step R back to R diag
&4-5(&) Slide L to R 4) Step L back to L diag 5) Step R across L
6-7-8(6-7-8) Unwind a full turn CCW for 6-7-8 (weight to R) (Starts with R across L, ends with L across R) (3:00)
Repeat….Have fun
Contact: jthuffman62@yahoo.com
S1: 1/4, 1/4, Behind-Side-Cross, Step, Hold, Ball-Step, Mambo-Back
1-2(1) Turn 1/4 L step L fwd 2) Turn 1/4 L step R to side (6:00)
3&4(3) Step L behind R &) Step R to side 4) Step L across R
5-6&7(5) Step R to R diagonal 6) Hold &) Ball step L to R 7) Step R fwd (7:30)
8&1(8) Rock L fwd &) Recover to R 1) Step L back (7:30)
S2: Behind, 1/4, Step-Pivot 1/2-Point 1/4, Touch Fwd, Touch Side, Together-Side-Together
2-3(2) Step R behind L (squaring up to 6:00) 3) Turn 1/4 L step L fwd (3:00)
4&5(4) Step R fwd &) Pivot 1/2 (weight to L) 5) Turn 1/4 L Point R to side (6:00)
6-7(6) Touch R toe fwd 7) Touch R toe to side
8&1(8) Step R to L &) Ball step L to side 1) Step R across L (6:00)
S3: Sway, Sway, Side-Together-1/4, Step Diag, 1/4, Back-Together-Back
2-3&(2) Rock L to side, Sway L 3) Recover to R, Sway R &) Lift L to R
4&5(4) Step L to L side &) Step R to L 5) Turn 1/4 R step L back (9:00)
6-7(6) Step R to R diagonal (10:30) 7) Turn 1/4 R step L to side (1:30) (Think of half of a “Box Glide”)
8&1(8) Square up to 3:00 step R diagonal back &) Step L to R 1) Step R diagonal back (3:00)
S4: Backward Skates x3, Step, Cross, Unwind full turn
&2&3(&) Slide L to R 2) Step L back to L diag &) Slide R to L 3) Step R back to R diag
&4-5(&) Slide L to R 4) Step L back to L diag 5) Step R across L
6-7-8(6-7-8) Unwind a full turn CCW for 6-7-8 (weight to R) (Starts with R across L, ends with L across R) (3:00)
Repeat….Have fun
Contact: jthuffman62@yahoo.com