Intermediate Contra back-to-back
S1: Toe Struts Moving Left
1-2(1) Cross right foot over left and touch right toe (2) Step down on right foot
3-4(3) Touch left toe to left side (4) Step down on left foot
5-6(5) Cross right foot behind left and touch right toe (6)Step down on right foot
7-8(7) Step left to left side (8) Tap right foot next to left
S2: Monterey Turns
9-10(9) Tap right toe out to right side (10) Replace right foot next to left as you pivot ½ turn right
11-12(11) Point left toe to left side (12) Replace left foot next to right
13-14(13) Tap right toe out to right side (14) Replace right foot next to left as you pivot ½ turn right
15-16(15) Point left toe to left side (16) Tap left foot next to right
S3: Syncopated Romps
17-18(17) Step left foot to left side (18) Step right foot behind left
&-19(&) Step left foot to left side (19) Tap heal 45 degree angle forward
&-20(20) Step right foot back to center (20) Cross left foot over right and step
21-22(21) Step Right foot to right side (22) Step left foot behind right
&-23(&) Step right foot to right side (23) Tap left heal 45 degree angle forward
&-24(&) Step left foot back to center (24) Cross right foot over left and step
S4: Side taps moving forward, Cross, Unwind
25-26(25) Tap left toe to left side (26) Step left foot forward
27-28(27) Tap right toe to right side (28) Step right foot forward
29-30(29) Tap left toe to left side (30) Cross left foot over right
31-32(31) Unwind to make a half turn right *weight on left* (32) Clap
S5: Forward Shuffles x 4
33&34(33) Step forward on right foot (&) Quickly step left beside right (34) Step forward right foot
35&36(35) Step forward on left foot (&) Quickly step right beside left (36) Step forward on right foot
37&38(37) Step forward on right foot (&) Quickly step left beside right (38) Step forward right foot
39&40(39) Step forward on left foot (&) Quickly step right beside left (40) Step forward on right foot
S6: Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left
41-42(41)Step right to right side (42) Cross left behind right
43-44(43) Step right to right side (44) Tap left next to right
45-46(45) Step left to left side (46) Cross right behind left
47-48(47) Step left to left side (48) Tap right next to left
S7: Kickball Change x4 Moving Right
49&50(49) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (50) Step left foot center
51&52(51) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (52) Step left foot center
53&54(53) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (54) Step left foot center
55&56(55) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (56) Step left foot center
Contact: tjrc@hawaii.rr.com
1-2(1) Cross right foot over left and touch right toe (2) Step down on right foot
3-4(3) Touch left toe to left side (4) Step down on left foot
5-6(5) Cross right foot behind left and touch right toe (6)Step down on right foot
7-8(7) Step left to left side (8) Tap right foot next to left
S2: Monterey Turns
9-10(9) Tap right toe out to right side (10) Replace right foot next to left as you pivot ½ turn right
11-12(11) Point left toe to left side (12) Replace left foot next to right
13-14(13) Tap right toe out to right side (14) Replace right foot next to left as you pivot ½ turn right
15-16(15) Point left toe to left side (16) Tap left foot next to right
S3: Syncopated Romps
17-18(17) Step left foot to left side (18) Step right foot behind left
&-19(&) Step left foot to left side (19) Tap heal 45 degree angle forward
&-20(20) Step right foot back to center (20) Cross left foot over right and step
21-22(21) Step Right foot to right side (22) Step left foot behind right
&-23(&) Step right foot to right side (23) Tap left heal 45 degree angle forward
&-24(&) Step left foot back to center (24) Cross right foot over left and step
S4: Side taps moving forward, Cross, Unwind
25-26(25) Tap left toe to left side (26) Step left foot forward
27-28(27) Tap right toe to right side (28) Step right foot forward
29-30(29) Tap left toe to left side (30) Cross left foot over right
31-32(31) Unwind to make a half turn right *weight on left* (32) Clap
S5: Forward Shuffles x 4
33&34(33) Step forward on right foot (&) Quickly step left beside right (34) Step forward right foot
35&36(35) Step forward on left foot (&) Quickly step right beside left (36) Step forward on right foot
37&38(37) Step forward on right foot (&) Quickly step left beside right (38) Step forward right foot
39&40(39) Step forward on left foot (&) Quickly step right beside left (40) Step forward on right foot
S6: Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left
41-42(41)Step right to right side (42) Cross left behind right
43-44(43) Step right to right side (44) Tap left next to right
45-46(45) Step left to left side (46) Cross right behind left
47-48(47) Step left to left side (48) Tap right next to left
S7: Kickball Change x4 Moving Right
49&50(49) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (50) Step left foot center
51&52(51) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (52) Step left foot center
53&54(53) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (54) Step left foot center
55&56(55) Kick right forward (&) Step right slightly to the right while lifting left foot (56) Step left foot center
Contact: tjrc@hawaii.rr.com