(1-8) R mambo forward, out-out-in-in, L step-lock, step-lock-step
1&2step R forward, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4&step L left side, step R right side, step L in, step R in next to L
5-6step L forward, step R behind cross L
7&8step L forward, step R behind cross L, step L forward
(9-16) R rock forward, step R back-lock-forward with 1/2 turn right, L mambo forward, scissor step
1-2step R forward, recover on L
3&4step R back, step L cross R, make 1/2 turn to right stepping R forward
5&6step L forward, recover on R, step L next to R
7&8step R right side, step L netx to R, step R cross L
(17-24) L left side, shuffle left, 4x sway's (right-left-right-left)
1-2step L left side, step R next to L
3&4step L left side, step R next to L, step L left side
5-82x hip sway right-left
(25-32) 1/4 turn right, walk, walk, R shuffle with turning 1/2 left, heel swiches, side, step, forward
1-2turn 1/4 right wiht step R forward, step L forward
3&4turn 1/4 left wiht step R to right side, step L next to R, turn 1/4 left with step R back
5&6&touch left heel forward, step L next to R, touch right heel fowar, step R next to L
7&8step L left side, step R next to L, step L forward
(33-40) Right mambo, 1/4 turn right, left mambo, right mambo, 1/4 turn right, left rock forward
1&2step R forward, recover on L, step R right side with turning 1/4 to right
3&4step L forward, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6step R forward, recover on L, step R right side with turning 1/4 to right
7-8step L forward, recover on R
(41-48) Heel jack to right, cross shuffle to left, 1/4 turn left, rock step, 1/4 turn right, coaster step
1&2&step L cross R, step R right side, touch left heel left diagonal, step L next to R
3&4step R cross L, step L left side, step R cross L
5-6Turn 1/4 left with step L forward, recover to R
7&8Turn 1/4 right wiht step L back, step R next to L, steb L forward
Tag: -After 1st wall hip sway right stepping R to right side, hip sway left
-After 8 wall repeat count 41-48, facin 9 o'clock wall
-1st Restart is the 2nd wall after count 40, facing (back) 6 o'clock wall, dance start &1!
&1&2step L next to R, step R forward, recover on L, step R next to L)
-2nd Restart is the 6th wall after count 20, facing 3 o'clock wall
Ending after count 16:
&1step L left side and turn 1/4 to right, weight stay on L
Contact: helen.hiiemae@gmail.com
1&2step R forward, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4&step L left side, step R right side, step L in, step R in next to L
5-6step L forward, step R behind cross L
7&8step L forward, step R behind cross L, step L forward
(9-16) R rock forward, step R back-lock-forward with 1/2 turn right, L mambo forward, scissor step
1-2step R forward, recover on L
3&4step R back, step L cross R, make 1/2 turn to right stepping R forward
5&6step L forward, recover on R, step L next to R
7&8step R right side, step L netx to R, step R cross L
(17-24) L left side, shuffle left, 4x sway's (right-left-right-left)
1-2step L left side, step R next to L
3&4step L left side, step R next to L, step L left side
5-82x hip sway right-left
(25-32) 1/4 turn right, walk, walk, R shuffle with turning 1/2 left, heel swiches, side, step, forward
1-2turn 1/4 right wiht step R forward, step L forward
3&4turn 1/4 left wiht step R to right side, step L next to R, turn 1/4 left with step R back
5&6&touch left heel forward, step L next to R, touch right heel fowar, step R next to L
7&8step L left side, step R next to L, step L forward
(33-40) Right mambo, 1/4 turn right, left mambo, right mambo, 1/4 turn right, left rock forward
1&2step R forward, recover on L, step R right side with turning 1/4 to right
3&4step L forward, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6step R forward, recover on L, step R right side with turning 1/4 to right
7-8step L forward, recover on R
(41-48) Heel jack to right, cross shuffle to left, 1/4 turn left, rock step, 1/4 turn right, coaster step
1&2&step L cross R, step R right side, touch left heel left diagonal, step L next to R
3&4step R cross L, step L left side, step R cross L
5-6Turn 1/4 left with step L forward, recover to R
7&8Turn 1/4 right wiht step L back, step R next to L, steb L forward
Tag: -After 1st wall hip sway right stepping R to right side, hip sway left
-After 8 wall repeat count 41-48, facin 9 o'clock wall
-1st Restart is the 2nd wall after count 40, facing (back) 6 o'clock wall, dance start &1!
&1&2step L next to R, step R forward, recover on L, step R next to L)
-2nd Restart is the 6th wall after count 20, facing 3 o'clock wall
Ending after count 16:
&1step L left side and turn 1/4 to right, weight stay on L
Contact: helen.hiiemae@gmail.com