Improver NC2S
(Sequence: 32, 32, 22, Restart, 32, 32, 22, Restart, 32, 30, ending). .
Intro 8 counts after playing the piano, start at the vocals.
Sec 1: 1/8 R, Step, 1/8 R, Side, 1/8 R, Step, Runs Fwd R-L, Arabesque (Lift Right Leg Backwards), 1/8 L, Replace, 1/8 L, Side, 1/8 L, Step, 1/8 L, Small Step, Hitch Raise R, Ronde R.
8&1Turn 1/8 right step Lt back, turn 1/8 right step Rt to the right, turn 1/8 right step Lt fwd.
2&3Stepping Rt fwd, stepping Lt fwd, lift right leg backwards.
4&5Turn 1/8 left step Rt back in place, turn 1/8 left step Lt to the left, turn 1/8 left step Rt fwd (12:00)
6&7Turn 1/8 left step Lt slightly fwd, raise your R knee up, ronde R from front to back.
Sec 2: 1/8 L, Back, 1/8 L, Side, 1/8 L, Step, ¼ L, Runs Fwd L-R, Step, Sweep R, 2x Cross Rock & Side.
8&1Turn 1/8 left step Rt back, turn 1/8 left step Lt to the left, turn 1/8 left step Rt fwd (6:00)
2&3Turn ¼ left (3) stepping Lt fwd, stepping Rt fwd, step Lt fwd and sweep Rt from back to front.
4&5Cross rock Rt fwd, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
6&7Cross rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
Sec 3: Full Unwind L with Sweep, Sailor Step, ¼ L, Side Rock, Recover, Step, Side, Together, Step.
8&1Cross Rt over Lt, keeping weight on Rt, unwind a full turn left sweeping Lt from front to back.
2&3Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
4&5Turn ¼ left (12) rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt, step Rt fwd.
Restart here WALL 3/6 after 22 count (facing 12 o`clock) after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
6&7Step Lf to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 4: Recover, Sweep L, Back, Sweep R, Sailor Step, Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Step.
8&1Recover on Rt and sweep Lt from front to back, step Lt back, sweep Rt from front to back.
2&3Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left, step Rt slightly fwd.
4&5Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt, turn ¼ left (9) step Lt to the left.
6-7Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt to the left, step Rt fwd weight onto Rt.
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Last Update - 2nd April 2015
Intro 8 counts after playing the piano, start at the vocals.
Sec 1: 1/8 R, Step, 1/8 R, Side, 1/8 R, Step, Runs Fwd R-L, Arabesque (Lift Right Leg Backwards), 1/8 L, Replace, 1/8 L, Side, 1/8 L, Step, 1/8 L, Small Step, Hitch Raise R, Ronde R.
8&1Turn 1/8 right step Lt back, turn 1/8 right step Rt to the right, turn 1/8 right step Lt fwd.
2&3Stepping Rt fwd, stepping Lt fwd, lift right leg backwards.
4&5Turn 1/8 left step Rt back in place, turn 1/8 left step Lt to the left, turn 1/8 left step Rt fwd (12:00)
6&7Turn 1/8 left step Lt slightly fwd, raise your R knee up, ronde R from front to back.
Sec 2: 1/8 L, Back, 1/8 L, Side, 1/8 L, Step, ¼ L, Runs Fwd L-R, Step, Sweep R, 2x Cross Rock & Side.
8&1Turn 1/8 left step Rt back, turn 1/8 left step Lt to the left, turn 1/8 left step Rt fwd (6:00)
2&3Turn ¼ left (3) stepping Lt fwd, stepping Rt fwd, step Lt fwd and sweep Rt from back to front.
4&5Cross rock Rt fwd, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
6&7Cross rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left.
Sec 3: Full Unwind L with Sweep, Sailor Step, ¼ L, Side Rock, Recover, Step, Side, Together, Step.
8&1Cross Rt over Lt, keeping weight on Rt, unwind a full turn left sweeping Lt from front to back.
2&3Step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd.
4&5Turn ¼ left (12) rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt, step Rt fwd.
Restart here WALL 3/6 after 22 count (facing 12 o`clock) after start again (facing 12 o`clock).
6&7Step Lf to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt slightly fwd.
Sec 4: Recover, Sweep L, Back, Sweep R, Sailor Step, Fwd Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Side, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Step.
8&1Recover on Rt and sweep Lt from front to back, step Lt back, sweep Rt from front to back.
2&3Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left, step Rt slightly fwd.
4&5Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt, turn ¼ left (9) step Lt to the left.
6-7Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt to the left, step Rt fwd weight onto Rt.
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Last Update - 2nd April 2015