[1-8] Rock, Recover, Sailor with ¼ turn x2, Walk, Walk
1,2Rock Right foot out to the right, recover on Left
3&4Step Right foot behind left, step Left foot out to left making a ¼ turn to the left, step right foot next to left
5&6Step left foot behind right making a ¼ turn to the left, step right to right side, step left next to right
7,8Walk forward right, left
[9-16] Kick touches with ½ turn x2
1&2&Kick right toe out to right, step right next to left, kick left toe out to left, step left next to right
3,4Cross right foot over left, ½ turn unwind over left shoulder
5&6&Kick right toe out to right, step right next to left, kick left toe out to left, step left next to right
7,8Cross right foot over left, ½ turn unwind over left shoulder
[17-24] Step, Hold, Weaving vine, Rock, Recover, Weaving vine with a ¼ turn
1,2Step right foot out to right, hold
3&4Step left behind right, step right out to right, cross left in front of right
5,6Rock right foot out to right, recover on left
7&8Step right foot behind left, step left making a ¼ turn to the left, step right next to left
[25-32] Shuffle forward x2, ½ turn, Full turn
1&2Shuffle forward left, right, left
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right
5,6Step forward on left, make a ½ turn to the right stepping on right
7&8½ turn to the right stepping back on the left, ½ turn to the right stepping forward on the right, step left next to right
Restart: On 4th wall, do the first 16 counts of the dance then start over.
Any Questions Contact: Kelly Cavallaro (603)583-0073
1,2Rock Right foot out to the right, recover on Left
3&4Step Right foot behind left, step Left foot out to left making a ¼ turn to the left, step right foot next to left
5&6Step left foot behind right making a ¼ turn to the left, step right to right side, step left next to right
7,8Walk forward right, left
[9-16] Kick touches with ½ turn x2
1&2&Kick right toe out to right, step right next to left, kick left toe out to left, step left next to right
3,4Cross right foot over left, ½ turn unwind over left shoulder
5&6&Kick right toe out to right, step right next to left, kick left toe out to left, step left next to right
7,8Cross right foot over left, ½ turn unwind over left shoulder
[17-24] Step, Hold, Weaving vine, Rock, Recover, Weaving vine with a ¼ turn
1,2Step right foot out to right, hold
3&4Step left behind right, step right out to right, cross left in front of right
5,6Rock right foot out to right, recover on left
7&8Step right foot behind left, step left making a ¼ turn to the left, step right next to left
[25-32] Shuffle forward x2, ½ turn, Full turn
1&2Shuffle forward left, right, left
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right
5,6Step forward on left, make a ½ turn to the right stepping on right
7&8½ turn to the right stepping back on the left, ½ turn to the right stepping forward on the right, step left next to right
Restart: On 4th wall, do the first 16 counts of the dance then start over.
Any Questions Contact: Kelly Cavallaro (603)583-0073