Easy Intermediate
Intro: 32 Counts
R Cross Rock, Recover, R Chasse With 1/4 Turn R, Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle 1/2 Turn R (L,R,L)
1-2Cross rock R over L, Recover
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, 1/4 Turn R step R fwd (3:00)
5-6Step L fwd, 1/2 turn R (9:00)
7&8Shuffle 1/2 turn R (L,R,L) (3:00)
Walk Back R,L, Coaster Cross, Side Rock, Recover With 1/4 Turn R, Kick Ball Flick
1-2Step R back, Step L back
3&4Step R back, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L
5-6Rock L to L side, Recover with a 1/4 turn R (6:00)
7&8Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Flick R back
Rock Step Fwd, Recover, Step R Back With Hip Bumps R,L,R, Step L Back, Step R Side With 1/4 R, L Cross Shuffle
1-2Rock R fwd, Recover
3&4Step R back push hips back, Push hips fwd, Push hips back
5-6Step L back, 1/4 Turn R step R to R side (9:00)
7&8Cross step L over R, Step R to R side, Cross step L over R
R Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Sway L, Sway R, Chasse L
1-2Rock R to R side, Recover
3&4Cross step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross step R over L
5-6Step L to L side push hips L, Push hips R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
END: (3:00) make on count 5 of the first block 1/2 turn right (pose)
1-2Cross rock R over L, Recover
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, 1/4 Turn R step R fwd (6:00)
51/2 Turn R step L back & Pose (12:00)
Contact: : marja42@telfort.nl - http://thebluestarslinedancers.nl
R Cross Rock, Recover, R Chasse With 1/4 Turn R, Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle 1/2 Turn R (L,R,L)
1-2Cross rock R over L, Recover
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, 1/4 Turn R step R fwd (3:00)
5-6Step L fwd, 1/2 turn R (9:00)
7&8Shuffle 1/2 turn R (L,R,L) (3:00)
Walk Back R,L, Coaster Cross, Side Rock, Recover With 1/4 Turn R, Kick Ball Flick
1-2Step R back, Step L back
3&4Step R back, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L
5-6Rock L to L side, Recover with a 1/4 turn R (6:00)
7&8Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Flick R back
Rock Step Fwd, Recover, Step R Back With Hip Bumps R,L,R, Step L Back, Step R Side With 1/4 R, L Cross Shuffle
1-2Rock R fwd, Recover
3&4Step R back push hips back, Push hips fwd, Push hips back
5-6Step L back, 1/4 Turn R step R to R side (9:00)
7&8Cross step L over R, Step R to R side, Cross step L over R
R Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Sway L, Sway R, Chasse L
1-2Rock R to R side, Recover
3&4Cross step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross step R over L
5-6Step L to L side push hips L, Push hips R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
END: (3:00) make on count 5 of the first block 1/2 turn right (pose)
1-2Cross rock R over L, Recover
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, 1/4 Turn R step R fwd (6:00)
51/2 Turn R step L back & Pose (12:00)
Contact: : marja42@telfort.nl - http://thebluestarslinedancers.nl