CopperKnob Stepsheets

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One More Day

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Julia Wetzel (USA) - January 2015
One More Day - Diamond Rio : (Album: One More Day - 3:36)
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Intro: 18 counts (approx. 19 seconds into track)

[1 – 8] Fw Rock, ½, Fw Rock, ½, ¼ Sweep , Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Cross
1, 2&Rock R fw (1), Recover on L (2), ½ Turn right step R fw (&) 6:00
3, 4&5Rock L fw (3), Recover on R (4), ½ Turn left step L fw (&), ¼ Turn left step R to right side sweep L from front to back (5) 9:00
6&7&8&Step L behind R (6), Step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (7), Rock R to right side (&), Recover on L (8), Cross R over L (&) 9:00

[9 – 17] L Basic, R Basic, ¾ , Run, Mambo Sweep
1, 2&Step L to left side (1), Close R behind L (2), Cross L over R (&) 9:00
3, 4&Step R to right side (3), Close L behind R (2), Cross R over L (&) 9:00
5, 6&¼ Turn right step L back and continue another ½ turn right on ball of L (total = ¾ spiral turn) (5), Step R fw (6), Step L fw (&) 6:00
*Restart on Wall 3 after here ~ see description below ~
7, 8&1Step R fw (7), Rock L fw (8), Recover on R (&), Step L back sweep R from front to back (1) 6:00

[18 – 25] Back Sweep, Behind, Side Rock, Behind, ¼, Full Turn, Cross, Side, Behind Rock
2Step R back sweep L from front to back (2) 6:00
3&4&5Step L behind R (3), Rock R to right side (&), Recover on L (4), Step R behind L (&), ¼ Turn left step L fw (5) 3:00
6 - 7½ Turn left step R back (6), ½ Turn left step L fw sweep R from back to front (7)
Easy Option: Step R fw sweep L from back to front (6), Step L fw sweep R from back to front (7) 3:00
8&1Cross R over L (8), Step L to left side (&), Rock R behind L opening body to right diag. (1) 3:00

[26 – 32] Hitch, Fw Rock, Side Rock, Back, Back, ½, Spiral, Step, Step
2Recover on L and hitch R straightening to 3:00 (2) 3:00
3&4&5Rock R fw slightly across L (3), Recover on L (&), Rock R to right side (4), Recover on L (&), Step R back small sweep L from front to back (5) 3:00
6&7Step L back (6), ½ Turn right step R fw (&), Step L fw and spiral full turn right on L (7)
Easy option: Step L fw (7) 9:00
8&Step R fw (8), Step L fw (&) 9:00

Restart On Wall 3, dance up to Count 14& (Step L fw) facing 12:00, then Start Wall 4 facing 12:00

Ending Slow down with music as Wall 7 ends facing 12:00. Optional extra turn:
Dance up to Count 32 (Step R fw facing 12:00) then ½ Turn right step L back (&), ½ Turn right step R fw (1)


1 評論

Maybe February 3, 2015
I've been waiting on someone to choreograph a dance to this for ages... Thank you!!

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