Easy Novice
#32 count intro, start dancing at vocals (12 sec). (No Tags, No Restarts)
[1-8] Stamp, Out, Back, Hold, Back, ¼ R, Side, step, Hold.
1-4Stamp Rt right slightly fwd, step Lt out to left, step Rt back, Hold.
5-8Step Lt back, turn ¼ right (3) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd, Hold.
[9-16] Down Kick, Knee Lift, Side Kick, Knee Lift, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Stamp Together, Hold.
1-4Kick R down, lift R knee up, kick R out to right, lift R knee up.
5-8Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (12) step Lt to the left, stamp Rt together Lt, Hold.
[17-24] R Heel Strut Fwd, Out, Hold, R Toe Fan, Replace, L Toe Fan, ¼ L, Replace.
1-4Step Rt slightly fwd on heel, step Rt toes back in place, step Lt out to left, Hold.
5-8Fan R toe out to right, toe back to center, fan L toe out to left, turn ¼ left (9) step back in place.
[25-32] Runs Fwd R-L, Out, Hold, Twist R Heel Up, Replace, Touch Together, Hold.
1-4Run Rt fwd, run Lt fwd, step Rt out to right, Hold.
5-8Twist R heel up to front holding toe in contact with the floor, replace, touch Lt together Rt, Hold.
[33-40] Side, Shimmy, Together, Hold, Side, Together, ¼ L, Step, Hold.
1-4Step left to left, drag Rt toward left, step Rt together Lt, Hold.
(Shimmy shoulders as you drag)
5-8Step Lt to the left, step Rt together Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt forward, Hold.
[41-48] Point Fwd, Hold, Point Side, Hold, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Stamp, Hold.
1-4Point Rt fwd, Hold, point Rt out to right, Hold.
5-8Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (3) step Lt to the left, stamp Rt together Lf, Hold.
[49-56] Hip Push R, Hold, Hip Push L, Hold, Hip Bumps R-L-R, Hold.
1-4Step Rt to right push R hip out to right, Hold, push L hip out to left, Hold.
5-8Bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, bump R hip to right, Hold.
[57-64] Step Knee Bend, Shimmy, Together, Hold, Back, ¼ R, Side, Step, Hold.
1-4Step Lf slightly fwd and bending Knee slightly, coming up and step Rt together Lt, Hold.
(Shimmy shoulders as you bend)
5-8Step Lt back, turn ¼ right (6) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd, Hold.
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
[1-8] Stamp, Out, Back, Hold, Back, ¼ R, Side, step, Hold.
1-4Stamp Rt right slightly fwd, step Lt out to left, step Rt back, Hold.
5-8Step Lt back, turn ¼ right (3) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd, Hold.
[9-16] Down Kick, Knee Lift, Side Kick, Knee Lift, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Stamp Together, Hold.
1-4Kick R down, lift R knee up, kick R out to right, lift R knee up.
5-8Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (12) step Lt to the left, stamp Rt together Lt, Hold.
[17-24] R Heel Strut Fwd, Out, Hold, R Toe Fan, Replace, L Toe Fan, ¼ L, Replace.
1-4Step Rt slightly fwd on heel, step Rt toes back in place, step Lt out to left, Hold.
5-8Fan R toe out to right, toe back to center, fan L toe out to left, turn ¼ left (9) step back in place.
[25-32] Runs Fwd R-L, Out, Hold, Twist R Heel Up, Replace, Touch Together, Hold.
1-4Run Rt fwd, run Lt fwd, step Rt out to right, Hold.
5-8Twist R heel up to front holding toe in contact with the floor, replace, touch Lt together Rt, Hold.
[33-40] Side, Shimmy, Together, Hold, Side, Together, ¼ L, Step, Hold.
1-4Step left to left, drag Rt toward left, step Rt together Lt, Hold.
(Shimmy shoulders as you drag)
5-8Step Lt to the left, step Rt together Lt, turn ¼ left (6) step Lt forward, Hold.
[41-48] Point Fwd, Hold, Point Side, Hold, Behind, ¼ L, Side, Stamp, Hold.
1-4Point Rt fwd, Hold, point Rt out to right, Hold.
5-8Step Rt behind Lt, turn ¼ left (3) step Lt to the left, stamp Rt together Lf, Hold.
[49-56] Hip Push R, Hold, Hip Push L, Hold, Hip Bumps R-L-R, Hold.
1-4Step Rt to right push R hip out to right, Hold, push L hip out to left, Hold.
5-8Bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, bump R hip to right, Hold.
[57-64] Step Knee Bend, Shimmy, Together, Hold, Back, ¼ R, Side, Step, Hold.
1-4Step Lf slightly fwd and bending Knee slightly, coming up and step Rt together Lt, Hold.
(Shimmy shoulders as you bend)
5-8Step Lt back, turn ¼ right (6) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly fwd, Hold.
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com