CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Listen To The Man

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Easy Intermediate
Mathew Sinyard (UK) - November 2014
Listen to the Man - George Ezra
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Intro: 16 counts.

Section 1: Side, Behind Side Cross, Side, Back Rock, Recover, Kick Ball Cross.
1-2Step right foot to right side, Cross left foot behind right foot.
& 3-4Step right foot to right side (&), Cross left foot in front of right foot, step right foot to right side.
5-6Rock left foot back behind right, recover on to right foot.
7&8Kick left foot diagonally forward to the left, step on to ball of left foot, cross right in front of left foot.

Section 2: Side, Behind Side Cross, Side, Back Rock, Recover, Kick Ball Cross.
1-2Step left foot to left side, Cross right foot behind left foot.
& 3-4Step left foot to left side (&), Cross right foot in front of left foot, step left foot to left side.
5-6Rock right foot back behind left, recover on to left foot.
7&8Kick right foot diagonally forward to the right, step on to ball of right foot, cross left in front of right foot.

Section 3: Monterey 1/4 Right, Monterey 1/4 Right Cross.
1-2Point right toe to right side, step right foot beside left foot whilst making a 1/4 turn right.
3-4Point left toe to left side, step left beside right.
5-6Point right toe to right side, step right foot beside left foot whilst making a 1/4 turn right.
7-8Point left toe to left side, cross left foot in front of right foot.
**Restart the dance after section 3 on wall 5**

Section 4: Side Strut, Cross Strut, Right Chasse, Rock Back, Recover.
1-2Step right toe to right side, step down on to right foot.
3-4Cross left toe in front of right foot, step down on left foot.
5&6Step right foot to right side, close left foot beside right foot, step right foot to right side.
7-8Rock left foot back behind right foot, recover onto right foot.

Section 5: Ball Cross Side, Behind side Cross, Left Chasse, Rock Back, Recover.
&1-2Step onto left foot (&), cross right foot in front of left foot, Step left foot to left side.
3&4Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right in front of left foot.
5&6Step left foot to left side, close right foot beside left foot, step left foot to left side.
7-8Rock right foot back behind left foot, recover on to left foot.

Section 6: Ball Cross Side, Behind side Cross, Right Chasse, Rock Back, Recover 1/4.
&1-2Step onto right foot (&), cross left foot in front of right foot, Step right foot to right side.
3&4Step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right side, cross left in front of right foot.
5&6Step right foot to right side, close left foot beside right foot, step right foot to right side.
7-8Rock left foot back behind right foot, recover on to right foot making a 1/4 turn to the left.

Section 7: Forward Toe Strut, 2x 1/2 Turning Toe Struts, Forward Toe Strut.
1-2Step left toe forward, step down on to left foot.
3-4Make a 1/2 turn to the left stepping right toe back, step down on right foot.
5-6Make a 1/2 turn to the left stepping left toe forward, step down on to left foot.
7-8Step right toe forward, step down on to right foot.

Section 8: Syncopated Rocks, Walk x2, Pivot 1/4, Cross.
1-2Rock forward on to left foot, recover on to right foot
&3-4Step left foot beside right foot (&), rock back on right foot, recover on to left foot.
5-6Step forward on to right foot, step forward on to left foot.
7-8Pivot a ¼ turn to the right, cross left foot in front of right foot.

**Tag Wall 2**
On wall 2 dance the first 4 sections then dance then dance these 6 counts followed by a Restart.
Ball Cross Side, Behind side Cross, Side, touch.
&1-2Step onto left foot (&), cross right foot in front of left foot, Step left foot to left side.
3&4Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right in front of left foot.
5-6Step left foot to left side, touch right foot beside left foot.


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