CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Adrian Churm (UK) - November 2014
Tacoma - Garth Brooks : (Album: Man Against Machine)
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(Start on Vocals)

Sec 1: Forward, step 1/4 turn right, across, 1/4 turn left, coaster step step, sweep weave left then right.
1Step right foot forward
2&a3Step left foot forward, 1/4 turn right, step left across right, 1/4 turn left as right foot steps back.
4&a5Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward, step right foot forward.
6&a7Sweep left foot around to cross over right, right foot back, step left foot to the side, step right foot across left.
8&aSweep left foot around across right, step right foot to the side, step left foot behind right.

Sec 2: Sway R,L,R, syncopated twinkle with 1/4 turn left, rock forward, recover, back, back, coaster step.
1 - 3Step right foot to the side sway right, sway left, sway right.
4&a5Step left foot forward across right, step right to the side, 1/4 turn left (left forward), step right foot forward.
6&a7Rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, step left foot back, step right foot back,
8&aStep left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.

Sec 3: Forward, step 1/4 turn right, across, 1/4 turn left, Sailor 1/4 turn, scissor step, rock, recover side
1Step right foot forward
2&a3Step left foot forward, 1/4 turn right, step left across right, 1/4 turn left as right foot steps back.
4&a5Making 1/4 turn left sweep left foot behind right, close right towards left, left foot forward, right foot forward.
6&a7Step left foot to the side, close right foot towards left, step left across right, right foot large step to the side.
8&aLeft foot rocks back behind right, recover forward onto right, step left foot to the side.

Sec 4: Back, sweep x3, coaster step, step forward, full turn right, step back, rock back, recover, step forward
1&Step right foot back & behind left, sweep left foot out & around towards the back.
2&Step left foot back & behind right, Sweep right foot out & around towards the back.
3&Step right foot back & behind left, sweep left foot out & around towards the back.
4&a5Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward, step right foot forward.
6&a7Step left foot forward, 1/2 turn right (onto right foot), 1/2 turn right left foot ends back, step right foot back.
8&aRock left foot back, recover forward onto right, step left foot forward.

Note on the last section the full turn on counts 6&a7 can be replaced with
Rock forward, recover, step back, step back

Happy Dancing


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