Intermediate 2S
Note: 8 count Tag danced after wall 2 and wall 4. Optional change of steps during wall 5 counts 2932.
See description below
Intro: 16 counts. Start facing 12:00, weight on right.
[1-8] Back rock, triple ½ turn, rock back, recover, ½ turn (x2)
1,2Rock L back, recover forward
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping L to left, close R to L, turn ¼ right stepping L back [6:00]
5&6Rock back on R, recover to L, turn ½ left stepping R back [12:00]
7&8Rock back on L, recover to R, turn ½ right stepping L back [6:00]
[9-16] Mambo back, mambo forward, ¾ turn right, cross back mambo hitch
1&2Rock back on R, recover to L, step forward R
3&4Rock forward on L, recover to R, step back on L
5,6Turn ½ R stepping R forward, turn ¼ R stepping L to left side [3:00]
7&8Cross rock R behind L, recover to L, hitch R knee forward keeping R foot close to L leg
[17-24] Side, drag, sweep x2, coaster, ½ turn
1,2Big step R to right, drag L next to R and touch
3,4Step L back while sweeping R front to back, step R back and sweep L front to back
5&6Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward
7,8Leave R in place and pointed back-turn ½ right over 2 counts, weight stays L [9:00]
[25-32] Back touch x3, back, together, walk x2, forward coaster, back
&1&2Small step back R, touch left in front, small step back L, touch right in front
&3Small step back R, touch left in front
&4Step L back, close R next to L
*5,6 Walk forward L, R
7&8&Step forward L, close R next to L, step back L, step back R
*On wall 5 only, replace counts 58 with these steps:
(5) big step forward L, 6,7,8) Slowly close R next to L taking weight.
Tag danced after walls 2 and 4. The first tag is done at 6:00 and the second at 12:00.
[1-8] Back rock, recover, side touch x2, back rock recover, side touch x2
1&2Cross/rock L behind right, recover to R, step L to left
&3&4Touch R next to L, step R to right, touch L next to R, step L to left
5&6Cross/rock R behind left, recover to L, step R to right
&7&8Touch L next to R, step L to left, touch R next to L, step R to right
Optional ending: Music fades at count 24 after the ½ turn right facing [3:00].
&1Turn 1/2 right stepping R forward, turn ¼ right stepping L to left to face the front wall.
Smile... because you get to dance!!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in
its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
brendas@winecountrylinedance.com ~ www.winecountrylinedance.com
See description below
Intro: 16 counts. Start facing 12:00, weight on right.
[1-8] Back rock, triple ½ turn, rock back, recover, ½ turn (x2)
1,2Rock L back, recover forward
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping L to left, close R to L, turn ¼ right stepping L back [6:00]
5&6Rock back on R, recover to L, turn ½ left stepping R back [12:00]
7&8Rock back on L, recover to R, turn ½ right stepping L back [6:00]
[9-16] Mambo back, mambo forward, ¾ turn right, cross back mambo hitch
1&2Rock back on R, recover to L, step forward R
3&4Rock forward on L, recover to R, step back on L
5,6Turn ½ R stepping R forward, turn ¼ R stepping L to left side [3:00]
7&8Cross rock R behind L, recover to L, hitch R knee forward keeping R foot close to L leg
[17-24] Side, drag, sweep x2, coaster, ½ turn
1,2Big step R to right, drag L next to R and touch
3,4Step L back while sweeping R front to back, step R back and sweep L front to back
5&6Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward
7,8Leave R in place and pointed back-turn ½ right over 2 counts, weight stays L [9:00]
[25-32] Back touch x3, back, together, walk x2, forward coaster, back
&1&2Small step back R, touch left in front, small step back L, touch right in front
&3Small step back R, touch left in front
&4Step L back, close R next to L
*5,6 Walk forward L, R
7&8&Step forward L, close R next to L, step back L, step back R
*On wall 5 only, replace counts 58 with these steps:
(5) big step forward L, 6,7,8) Slowly close R next to L taking weight.
Tag danced after walls 2 and 4. The first tag is done at 6:00 and the second at 12:00.
[1-8] Back rock, recover, side touch x2, back rock recover, side touch x2
1&2Cross/rock L behind right, recover to R, step L to left
&3&4Touch R next to L, step R to right, touch L next to R, step L to left
5&6Cross/rock R behind left, recover to L, step R to right
&7&8Touch L next to R, step L to left, touch R next to L, step R to right
Optional ending: Music fades at count 24 after the ½ turn right facing [3:00].
&1Turn 1/2 right stepping R forward, turn ¼ right stepping L to left to face the front wall.
Smile... because you get to dance!!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in
its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
brendas@winecountrylinedance.com ~ www.winecountrylinedance.com