Starting after 32counts
Section 1: Syncopated Rocks , Step, Step, ½ Heelgrind R
1-2&Rock RF to right side. Recover to the left. Step RF next to LF.
3-4&Rock LF to left side and recover to the right. Step LF next to RF.
5Step RF forward.
6Step LF forward
7-8Cross right heel over left foot and twist toes to right. Turn ½ right stepping LF back. (6 o’clock).
Section 2: Heel Drops, Skate, Skate, ¼ Shuffle L
1-2&Step RF out and drop right heel twice to the floor(use your hips). Switch weight to RF.
3-4&Step LF out and drop left heel twice to the floor(use your hips). Switch weight to LF.
5Skate RF forward
6Skate LF forward
7&8Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF. Make a ¼ turning stepping RF to the left side (3 o’clock).
Section 3: Cross, Side, ¼ Shuffle L, ½ Pivot L, Run, Run, Run
1-2Cross LF over RF. Step RF to the side.
3&4Step LF forward making a ¼ turn to left. Step RF together with LF. Step LF forward
5-6Step RF forward and make a ½ pivot turn to left. Weight to the LF.
7&8Make a small running steps forward R L R.
Section 4: Rock step, Full turn L, Coaster step, Hitch and Rock.
1-2Rock LF forward, recover to the right.
3-4Make a full turn: Step LF forward making a ½ to left. Step RF back making a ½ turn to left.
5&6Step LF back. Step RF next to LF. Step LF forward.
&7&8&Hitch right knee. Step RF next to LF.Rock LF to the left side and recover to right. Step LF next to RF.
Start Again! Enjoy!
Contact: e-mail: leskinsu@gmail.com, +358408447927
Section 1: Syncopated Rocks , Step, Step, ½ Heelgrind R
1-2&Rock RF to right side. Recover to the left. Step RF next to LF.
3-4&Rock LF to left side and recover to the right. Step LF next to RF.
5Step RF forward.
6Step LF forward
7-8Cross right heel over left foot and twist toes to right. Turn ½ right stepping LF back. (6 o’clock).
Section 2: Heel Drops, Skate, Skate, ¼ Shuffle L
1-2&Step RF out and drop right heel twice to the floor(use your hips). Switch weight to RF.
3-4&Step LF out and drop left heel twice to the floor(use your hips). Switch weight to LF.
5Skate RF forward
6Skate LF forward
7&8Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF. Make a ¼ turning stepping RF to the left side (3 o’clock).
Section 3: Cross, Side, ¼ Shuffle L, ½ Pivot L, Run, Run, Run
1-2Cross LF over RF. Step RF to the side.
3&4Step LF forward making a ¼ turn to left. Step RF together with LF. Step LF forward
5-6Step RF forward and make a ½ pivot turn to left. Weight to the LF.
7&8Make a small running steps forward R L R.
Section 4: Rock step, Full turn L, Coaster step, Hitch and Rock.
1-2Rock LF forward, recover to the right.
3-4Make a full turn: Step LF forward making a ½ to left. Step RF back making a ½ turn to left.
5&6Step LF back. Step RF next to LF. Step LF forward.
&7&8&Hitch right knee. Step RF next to LF.Rock LF to the left side and recover to right. Step LF next to RF.
Start Again! Enjoy!
Contact: e-mail: leskinsu@gmail.com, +358408447927