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It's Not Unusual

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Kathy Chang (USA) - October 2014
It's Not Unusual (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast : (iTunes)
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Intro: 16 Counts No Tag, No Restart

[1–8] Side together, Side together Side touch, Side together, Side together Side touch
1, 2Step right foot to side, left foot together
3&4&Step right foot to side, left foot together, step right foot to side, touch left toe next to right
5, 6Step left foot to side, right foot together
7&8&Step left foot to side, right foot together, step left foot to side, touch right toe next to left

[9–16] Charleston kick x2, Coaster step
1, 2Step right foot forward, kick left foot forward
3, 4Step left foot back, touch right toe back
5, 6Step right foot forward, kick left foot forward
7&8Step left foot back, step right foot next to left, step left forward

[17–24] Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle (Full turn in circle)
1, 2Step right foot 1/8 right, step left foot 1/8 right
3&4Step right foot 1/8 right, step left next to right, step right foot 1/8 right
5, 6Step left foot 1/8 right, step right foot 1/8 right
7& 8Step left foot 1/8 right, step right next to left, step left foot 1/8 right

[25–32] Right Side Touches, Behind Side Cross, Left Side Touches, Behind Side Cross
1&2Touch right to side, touch right next to left, touch right to side
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5&6Touch left to side, touch left together, touch left to side
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right

[33–36] ¼ Right Monterey Turn x2 (easy option: toe switches with ½ turn right)
1&2&Touch right to side, turn ¼ right step right beside left, touch left to side step left next right
3&4&Touch right to side, turn ¼ right step right beside left, touch left to side step left next right

Start Again! Happy Dancing!

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2 評論

Zeny October 28, 2014
I love this dance much for the music.

derjing October 29, 2014
Thank you for this lovely dance

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