Easy Intermediate
#10 count intro on the word never, 2 Tags
Rock replace, shuffle back, toe back unwind ½ turn L, L coaster
1,2,3&4Rock fwd on R replace weight L, shuffle back R L R,
5,6,7&8Touch L toe back, unwind ½ turn L weight on R, step L back ,bring R tog, step L fwd [6.00]
Cross point, cross point, ¼ turn reggae
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, touch L to side, cross L over R, touch R to side
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, step L back turning ¼ R, step R to side, step L tog [9.00]
Side shuffle, rock replace, side shuffle, rock replace
1&2 3,4Step R to side, bring L tog, step R to side, rock back on L replace on R
5&6 7,8Step L to side, bring R tog, step L to side, rock back on R replace on L [9.00]
Side rock replace, R sailor step, L sailor step, rock replace
1,2,3&4Rock R to side replace on L, step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
5&6 7,8Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to side, rock back on R, replace fwd on L [9.00]
Start new wall
Both Tags at [3.00] wall
Tag 1: At the end of wall 3 Add R Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, back on L, back on R, fwd on L [3.00]
Tag 2: At the end of wall 7 Add R Rocking chair 2x ½ turn pivot’s
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, back on L, back on R, fwd on L [3.00]
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L , weight L, Step R fwd pivot ½ turn L, weight on L
Dance finishes on wall 9, dance up to count 16, changing ¼ turn Reggae to ½ turn reggae to face front
Contact : sue.fisher3@bigpond.com or 0408039319
Rock replace, shuffle back, toe back unwind ½ turn L, L coaster
1,2,3&4Rock fwd on R replace weight L, shuffle back R L R,
5,6,7&8Touch L toe back, unwind ½ turn L weight on R, step L back ,bring R tog, step L fwd [6.00]
Cross point, cross point, ¼ turn reggae
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, touch L to side, cross L over R, touch R to side
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, step L back turning ¼ R, step R to side, step L tog [9.00]
Side shuffle, rock replace, side shuffle, rock replace
1&2 3,4Step R to side, bring L tog, step R to side, rock back on L replace on R
5&6 7,8Step L to side, bring R tog, step L to side, rock back on R replace on L [9.00]
Side rock replace, R sailor step, L sailor step, rock replace
1,2,3&4Rock R to side replace on L, step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
5&6 7,8Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to side, rock back on R, replace fwd on L [9.00]
Start new wall
Both Tags at [3.00] wall
Tag 1: At the end of wall 3 Add R Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, back on L, back on R, fwd on L [3.00]
Tag 2: At the end of wall 7 Add R Rocking chair 2x ½ turn pivot’s
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, back on L, back on R, fwd on L [3.00]
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L , weight L, Step R fwd pivot ½ turn L, weight on L
Dance finishes on wall 9, dance up to count 16, changing ¼ turn Reggae to ½ turn reggae to face front
Contact : sue.fisher3@bigpond.com or 0408039319