Start after 16 counts when the beat kicks in (14 secs) – [3mins 09secs – 122 bpm]
[1-8] R fwd step lock, step/lock/step, L cross & unwind ¾ R lifting R foot, R chasse
1-2On slight right diagonal step R forward, lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward, lock left behind R, step R forward
5-6Crossing L over R unwind ¾ right lifting R foot up (9 o’clock)
7&8Step R side, step left together, step R side
[9-16] L cross touch, L side point, ¼ L toaster, R fwd rock/recover, R ball step back, R together
1-2Cross touch L over R, touch L to side
3&4Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o’clock)
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight on L
&7-8Step R back, step L back, step R together
[17-24] L&R&L side switches, L hitch, L fwd, walk fwd 2, R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn
1&2&Touch L side, step L together, touch R side, step R together
3&4Touch L side, hitch L up, step L forward
5-6Step R forward, step L forward
7-8Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o’clock)
[25-32] R cross step, L back, R ball step, R forward, L fwd rock/recover, L ball step back, L ball step back
1-2Cross step R over L, step L back
&3-4Step R side, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
&7Step L back, step R back
&8Step L back, step R back
[33-40] L back touch, ½ L turn, R & L heel switches, L together, R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, L weave 2
1-2Touch L back, turning ½ left step L down (9 o’clock)
3&4&Touch R heel forward, step R together, touch L heel forward, step L together
5-6Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (6 o’clock)
7-8Cross step R over L, step L side
[41-48] R behind-side-cross, L side rock/recover, L behind, ¼ R, L fwd, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn
1&2Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
3-4Rock L side, recover weight on R
5&6Cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward, step L forward (9 o’clock)
7-8Step R forward, pivot ½ L (3 o’clock)
BIG ENDING: Dance to count 17 on wall 8 touching L to left side (you will be facing 3 o’clock), turn ¼ left to face front wall and strike a pose!
Contact: Alison & Peter: 01462 735778 Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
Contact: Vikki: 07816001889 Email: gypsycowgirl@blueyonder.co.uk
[1-8] R fwd step lock, step/lock/step, L cross & unwind ¾ R lifting R foot, R chasse
1-2On slight right diagonal step R forward, lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward, lock left behind R, step R forward
5-6Crossing L over R unwind ¾ right lifting R foot up (9 o’clock)
7&8Step R side, step left together, step R side
[9-16] L cross touch, L side point, ¼ L toaster, R fwd rock/recover, R ball step back, R together
1-2Cross touch L over R, touch L to side
3&4Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o’clock)
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight on L
&7-8Step R back, step L back, step R together
[17-24] L&R&L side switches, L hitch, L fwd, walk fwd 2, R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn
1&2&Touch L side, step L together, touch R side, step R together
3&4Touch L side, hitch L up, step L forward
5-6Step R forward, step L forward
7-8Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o’clock)
[25-32] R cross step, L back, R ball step, R forward, L fwd rock/recover, L ball step back, L ball step back
1-2Cross step R over L, step L back
&3-4Step R side, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
&7Step L back, step R back
&8Step L back, step R back
[33-40] L back touch, ½ L turn, R & L heel switches, L together, R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, L weave 2
1-2Touch L back, turning ½ left step L down (9 o’clock)
3&4&Touch R heel forward, step R together, touch L heel forward, step L together
5-6Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (6 o’clock)
7-8Cross step R over L, step L side
[41-48] R behind-side-cross, L side rock/recover, L behind, ¼ R, L fwd, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn
1&2Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
3-4Rock L side, recover weight on R
5&6Cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward, step L forward (9 o’clock)
7-8Step R forward, pivot ½ L (3 o’clock)
BIG ENDING: Dance to count 17 on wall 8 touching L to left side (you will be facing 3 o’clock), turn ¼ left to face front wall and strike a pose!
Contact: Alison & Peter: 01462 735778 Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
Contact: Vikki: 07816001889 Email: gypsycowgirl@blueyonder.co.uk