CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Honey Money

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Advanced Beginner
William Sevone (UK) - October 2014
No Money, No Honey - Jackie Payne Steve Edmonson Band
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Choreographers note:- Performed in a very relaxed, bouncy style to fit nicely with the rhythm of the music.
Along with the 2 Restarts and added styling over basic steps its ideal for the Advanced Beginner.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on count 16 with the vocals.

Toe Swing. Diagonal Kick. Behind. Side. Tap (12:00)
1 – 4with right heel on floor: Swing right toe & tap Right-Left-Right-Left.
5 – 6turning body left: Flick kick left diagonally left. Step left across back of right.
7 – 8Step right to right side. Tap left toe slightly forward of right (snap left fingers of both hands).

2x Side-Tap. Side. Cross. Side. 1/4 Kick (3:00)
9 – 10Step left to left side. Tap right toe slightly forward of left (snap right fingers of both hands).
11 – 12Step right to right side. Tap left toe slightly forward of right (snap left fingers of both hands).
13 – 14Step left to left side. Cross right over left.
15 – 16Step left to left side. Turn ¼ right (3) & flick kick right forward.

Shuffle Backward. Coaster. Rock. Recover. Forward. 1/4 Touch (12:00)
17& 18Shuffle backward stepping: Right, Left-Right.
19& 20Coaster stepping: Left back, right together, left forward.
21 – 22Rock forward onto right. Recover onto left
23 – 24Step forward onto right. Turn ¼ left (12) & touch left next to right.

Side. Step. 2x 2 Count Body Roll. Side Rock. Recover (12:00)
25 – 26Step left to left side. Step down onto right.
27 – 28bending at knees: roll body to right and up (2 counts)
29 – 30Roll body down and up to the left (2 counts)
31 – 32Rock right onto right. Recover onto left.
Restart Start Walls 3 and 6 again from count 1

Moving Backward: 4x Diagonal Tap-Back (12:00)
33 – 34Tap right toe diagonally left. Step backward onto right.
35 – 36Tap left toe diagonally right. Step backward onto left.
37 – 38Tap right toe diagonally left. Step backward onto right.
39 – 40Tap left toe diagonally right. Step backward onto left.
Style note: 33,37: drop right shoulder snap right fingers. 35,39: drop left shoulder snap left fingers

3x Diagonal Forward-Tap. Side. 1/4 Together (3:00)
41 – 42Step right diagonally forward right. Tap left next to right heel.
43 – 44Step left diagonally forward left. Tap right next to left heel.
45 – 46Step right diagonally forward right. Tap left next to right heel.
Style note 41,43,45: swing both arms forward. 42,45,46: snap fingers both hands or clap.
47 – 48Step left to left side. Turn ¼ right (3) & step right (no weight) next to left.

DANCE FINISH: During music fade Wall 8 count 8 – facing 9:00
To end dance facing ‘Home’ (12) simply add the following: Turn ¼ right & touch left backward – folding arms.

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