Grapevine Right, Twist, Center, Twist Center
1-4Step right side, left behind right, step right, step left next to right
5-8Twist heels to right, center, right, center
Grapevine Left, Twist, Center, Twist Center
9-12Step left side, right behind left, step left, step right next to left
13-16Twist heels to left, center, left, center
Forward, Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch, 1/.4 right Forward Touch
17-20Step forward on right, Touch left next to right, Back on left, touch right next to left
21-24Step back on right, touch left next to right 1/4 right as you step forward on left, touch right next to left
Quick Jazz Box
25-28Cross right over left, back on left, step in place, right, left
Step Clap, Step, Clap
29-32Step forward on right, clap, step forward on left, clap
Contact - Holly Ruschman - hatsnboots@fuse.net
1-4Step right side, left behind right, step right, step left next to right
5-8Twist heels to right, center, right, center
Grapevine Left, Twist, Center, Twist Center
9-12Step left side, right behind left, step left, step right next to left
13-16Twist heels to left, center, left, center
Forward, Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch, 1/.4 right Forward Touch
17-20Step forward on right, Touch left next to right, Back on left, touch right next to left
21-24Step back on right, touch left next to right 1/4 right as you step forward on left, touch right next to left
Quick Jazz Box
25-28Cross right over left, back on left, step in place, right, left
Step Clap, Step, Clap
29-32Step forward on right, clap, step forward on left, clap
Contact - Holly Ruschman - hatsnboots@fuse.net