Something Bad

Vanessa H. - June 2014
Something Bad by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood

Right side rock, recover, cross shuffle, left side rock, recover, cross shuffle
1-2step right to side, recover to left
3&4cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6step left to side, recover to right
7&8cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

Right side rock, recover, right coaster, left forward mambo, right rock back, recover
1-2step right to side, recover to left
3&4step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5&6step left forward, step back on right, step left beside right
7-8step right back, recover to left

Walk forward right, left, right forward shuffle, step left forward, ½ turn, left forward shuffle
1-2step right forward, step left forward
3&4step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
5-6step left forward, turn ½ right shifting weight onto right
7&8step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (6:00)

Touch right front, side, right coaster, touch left front, side, left ¼ turn sailor
1-2touch right forward, touch right to side
3&4step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5-6touch left forward, touch left to side
7&8step left behind right turning ¼ left, step right beside left, step left forward (3:00)

Touch right forward, sweep right toward back (2 counts), right coaster, step forward left, right, left touch
1-2-3touch right forward, sweep right around from front to back
4&5step right behind left, step left beside right, step right forward
6-7-8step left forward, step right forward, touch left beside right

Touch left forward, sweep left toward back (2 counts), left coaster, step forward right, left, right touch
1-2-3touch left forward, sweep left around from front to back
4&5step left behind right, step right beside left, step left forward
6-7-8step right forward, step left forward, touch right beside left
