Swing It Little Girl
Katrin Gäbler (DE) - March 2014
Swingin' - John Anderson & Colt Ford
Intro: 32 Counts, start with “Rap “Lyrics
[1-8] Step Fwd R+L+R, Touch & Clap, Back L+R+L, Touch & Clap
1-2Step fwd on right +left [12.00]
3-4Step fwd on right, kick left fwd and clap hands
5-6Step left back, step right back [12.00]
7-8Step left back, touch right next to left and clap hands
[9-16] Grapevine Right with Touch, Hip Bumps Left & Right
1-2Step right to right, cross left behind right [12.00]
3-4Step right to right, touch left next to right
5-8Bump hips left x2, bump hips right x2 (weight on right) [12.00]
[17-24] Grapevine Left with Touch, Hip Bumps Right & Left
1-2Step left to left, cross right behind left [12.00]
3-4Step left to left, touch right next to left
5-8Bumps hips right x2, bump hips left x2 (weight on left) [12.00]
[25-32] Out-Out, In-In Step, Pivot ¼ Left, Stomp, Stomp
1-2Step right fwd out, step left fwd out [12.00]
3-4Step right back in, step left back in
5-6Step right fwd, make ¼ turn left on both feet [9.00]
7-8Stomp right & left on place [9.00]
Contact: katring66@hotmail.com