Disappearing Tail Lights
Alison Metelnick (UK) & Peter Metelnick (UK) - June 2012
Disappearing Tail Lights - Gord Bamford : (CD: Is It Friday Yet?)
Start 16 counts after the main beat kicks on the word ‘tail lights’ – [102bpm – 3mins 27secs]
[1-8] R side, L together, R side shuffle, L cross rock/recover, chasse ¼ L
1-2Step R side, step L together
3&4Step R side, step L together, step R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R
7&8Step L to L side, step R together, turn ¼ L step L forward (9 o’clock)
TAG/RESTARTS: During walls 6 & 10 dance the first 8 counts & add the following 4 counts:
1-4Step R forward, pivot ¼ left, touch R next to L & hold! Begin dance again
1st time this happens is on wall 6 you will be facing 9 o’clock to restart the dance on your 3 o’clock wall
2nd time it happens is on wall 10 you will be facing 6 o’clock to restart the dance on your front wall 12 o’clock
[9-16] R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R cross shuffle, L side rock/recover, L behind-side-cross
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (6 o’clock)
3&4Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
5-6Rock L side, recover weight on R
7&8Cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R
[17-24] R side, L together, R fwd shuffle, L fwd rock/recover, ½ L shuffle
1-2Step R side, step L together
3&4Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning ½ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (12 o’clock)
[25-32] Walk/turn fwd 2, R fwd shuffle, L fwd rock/recover, ¼ L toaster cross (turning coaster)
1-2Step R forward, step L forward
Turning option 1-2: Turning ½ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward
3&4Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, cross step L over R (9 o’clock)
BIG ENDING: dance to count 26 of the dance, step forward on your right and strike a pose! Ta-Da!
Contact: Tel: 01462 735778 - Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk