Call Me Maybe
Jessie Riethmuller & Ryan Riethmuller (AUS) - June 2012
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
START after 8 counts (with Lyrics)
[1-8] Step Forward Together x 4
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, touch L together (Click Fingers), Step L fwd, touch R together (Click Fingers)
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, touch L together (Click Fingers), Step L fwd, touch R together (Click Fingers)
[9-16] Vine R, Vine L
1,2,3,4Step R to side, Step L behind, Step R to Side, touch L together
5,6,7,8Step L to side, Step R behind, Step L to Side, touch R together**
(Shimmy shoulders on Count 3,4 & Count 7,8)
[17-24] Jazz Box Quarters x 2
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, Step L Back, Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd, Step L together
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, Step L Back, Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd, Step L together
[25-32] Stomp Kick, Stomp Kick Quarter, Out Out, In In
1, 2(Bending knees) Step R to side, (Straightening knees), Kick L
3, 4(Bending knees) Step L to side, (Straightening knees) Kick R turning ¼ R,
5,6,7,8Step R out slightly fwd, step L to side, Step R back to Centre, Step L beside R
[32 ]
Tag: After Wall 4, perform the following 8 counts before Restarting
[1-8] Rocking Chair, Pivot Turns
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, replace weight back onto L, Rock back onto R, replace weight onto L
5,6,7,8Step R fwd half pivot, Step R fwd half pivot
**Restart: Restart the dance after count 16 on Walls 2 & 6.
The dance finishes on the back wall and the music fades out.
Do “Step Touches” (Counts 1-8) whilst making a half turn back to the front to finish.
Jessie: 0421 765 019
Ryan: 0408 387 320