A Hillbilly Spur

Timothy To (CAN) & Theresina Tam (CAN) - January 2012
Hillbilly Rock (Spurs Restaurant Commercial Version) - The Campbells

Intro: 8 Counts

Section A: Touch Right Out In Out, Hold, Right Back Coaster Step, Hold
1-4Touch R out to R side, touch R beside L, touch R out to R side, hold
5-8Step back on R, step L next to R, step R forward, hold

Section B: Touch Left Out In Out Hold, Left Back Coaster Step, Hold
1-4Touch L out to L side, touch L beside R, touch L out to L side, hold
5-8Step back on L, step R next to L, step L forward, hold

Section C: ¼ Right Shuffle, Hitch, ½ Left Shuffle Hitch
1-2Step ¼ R and step forward on right, step L next to R (3.00)
3-4Step R forward, turn ½ L on ball of R and hitch up with left (9:00)
5-6Step L forward, step R next to L
7-8Step L forward, turn ¼ R on ball of L and hitch up with right ( 12.00)

Section D: Step R Forward, Tap L & Clap, Step Left Back, Tap R & Clap, X 2
1-4Step R forward, tap left behind R clap hand, Step back on L, Tap R in front of L clap hand
5-8Repeat 1-4

Section E: Right Together Forward R, Hold, Left Together Forward L, Hold
1-4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R forward, hold.
5-8Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L forward, hold

Tag 1: Slow Pivot 1/2 L, Twice (after wall 1 & Last Wall)
1-8Step forward R, hold, pivot 1/2 L, hold X 2

Tag 2: Rock Forward R, Recover L, R Side Rock, Recover L, R Back Rock, Recover L. Pivot 1/2 L Twice
1-4Rock forward on R, recover on L, side rock to R side, recover on L
5-8Rock back on R, recover on L, side rock to R side, recover on L
9-12Step forward R, hold, pivot 1/2 L, hold
13-16Repeat 9-12

Sequence, 40, tag 1, 40, 40, tag 2, 40, 40, tag 2, 40, 40, 40, 40, tag 1, 16 counts

Dedicated to Lynda Taylor my good friend and mentor

Contact: timothyto1983@gmail.com