Let It Be Easy
Francien Sittrop (NL) - August 2011
Let It Be - Tito Nieves : (Album: Tropical Tribute to the Beatles)
Intro: Start On vocals
[1 – 8] Mambo fwd, Mambo Back, Lock step fwd, L Mambo fwd
1 & 2Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
3 & 4Rock L back , Recover on R, Step L fwd
5 & 6Step R fwd, Lock L Behind R, Step R fwd
7 & 8Rock L fwd , Recover on R, Step L back
[9-16] Triple ¼ L, Lock Step fwd, Rock Recover ½ R, Triple Full Turn R
1 & 2Step R back, ¼ L step L fwd, Step R fwd
3 & 4Step L fwd , Lock R Behind L, Step L fwd
5 & 6Rock R fwd, Recover on L, ½ Turn R step R fwd
7 & 8Triple full turn R with L,R,L
Easier option for Beginners : 7 & 8 Left Shuffle fwd.
[17-24] Rumba Box, Coaster step, Step fwd, Pivot ½ R , Step fwd
1 & 2Step R to R side, Step L next R, Step R fwd
3 & 4Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L back
5 & 6Step R back, Step L next to R, step R fwd
7 & 8Step L fwd, Pivot ½ Turn R, Step L fwd
[25-32] Step fwd, ¼ L , Cross, Rock fwd, Recover, ¼ L step side, R Mambo, L Mambo
1 & 2Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Step R across L
3 & 4Rock L fwd, Recover on R, ¼ Turn L step L to L side
5 & 6Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Step R next to L
7 & 8Rock L to L side, Recover on R, Step L next to R